
I realize that 2.0 is a little long in the tooth, but I haven't yet moved to 3.0 (I still need Struts support) and so I'm working with that for the time being.

$ svn checkout velocity-tools-2.0.x

$ cd velocity-tools-2.0.x

$ mvn package

This generates a lot of errors running the unit tests. Looking at README.txt says to use ant. Okay:

$ ant
[get] Getting:
[get] Can't get to velocity-tools-2.0.x/lib/commons-collections-3.2.jar


Okay, this is a bit old. Let's adjust some version numbers and the primary download base URL.

And a bunch of ant properties and dependencies. In order to get "ant" to build successfully, I needed to apply this patch:

$ svn diff
---    (revision 1884424)
+++    (working copy)
@@ -121,8 +121,10 @@
 # We download directly from the ibiblio maven repository

 # Skip or force downloading of dependencies
 skip.jar.loading= false
@@ -131,22 +133,22 @@
 # Jars to be downloaded for compilation
 jar.antlr.version= 2.7.2
-jar.commons-beanutils.version= 1.7.0
+jar.commons-beanutils.version= 1.9.4
 jar.commons-chain.version= 1.1
-jar.commons-collections.version= 3.2
-jar.commons-digester.version= 1.8
-jar.commons-lang.version= 2.2
-jar.commons-logging.version= 1.1
-jar.commons-validator.version= 1.3.1
+jar.commons-collections.version= 3.2.2
+jar.commons-digester.version= 1.8.1
+jar.commons-lang.version= 2.6
+jar.commons-logging.version= 1.1.1
+jar.commons-validator.version= 1.4.1
 jar.dom4j.version= 1.6.1
-jar.jaxen.version= 1.1-beta-6
+jar.jaxen.version= 1.1
 jar.oro.version= 2.0.8
 jar.servletapi.version= 2.3
 jar.sslext.version = 1.2-0
-jar.struts-core.version = 1.3.8
-jar.struts-taglib.version = 1.3.8
-jar.struts-tiles.version = 1.3.8
-jar.velocity.version= 1.6.4
+jar.struts-core.version = 1.3.10
+jar.struts-taglib.version = 1.3.10
+jar.struts-tiles.version = 1.3.10
+jar.velocity.version= 1.7

 # Jars to be downloaded for building documentation
Index: build.xml
--- build.xml   (revision 1884424)
+++ build.xml   (working copy)
@@ -453,6 +453,7 @@
   <!-- Build all example applications -->
   <target name="examples" depends="jar.view,jar.struts,prepare.examples"
           description="Compiles and jars all example applications.">
+    <ant antfile="${basedir}/download.xml" target="full-download" />
     <ant antfile="${basedir}/examples.xml" target="build-examples" />

Index: download.xml
--- download.xml        (revision 1884424)
+++ download.xml        (working copy)
@@ -149,6 +149,7 @@

   <target name="do-http-test-m1-download" unless="skip-download">
     <!-- set download.path if not set previously -->
+    <mkdir dir="${test.lib.dir}" />
     <property name="download.path" value="${download.groupId}/jars" />
     <setproxy proxyhost="${}" proxyport="${proxy.port}"/>
<get src="${repo.m1.url}/${download.path}/${download.artifactId}-${download.version}.jar"

Does all of that look okay?

I tried checking-out the "2.x" branch, but literally nothing works in there. It looks like that was something Claude tried and then gave up on.

There are also some test failures.

Any objections to me committing the above changes to the old branch? Then maybe investigating and fixing the unit test errors?


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