Thanks for the advice Mike!

> You should:
> 1. Get a sourceforge account.
> 2. Request on to be given commit access to the
> wicketstuff repository.
> I think 'wicketstuff-minis' might be the most suitable place for your
> code since it is fairly small. [...]

For now, I created a corresponding issue in Jira, and attached my code:

If you really want to grant me commit access, I'll put it into the SVN
myself. Here's my SourceForge user id: 2693911


>> I'm pretty new on this list and I don't know if this is the right place
>> for such contributions. However, I recently developed a subclass of
>> TabbedPanel (from wicket-extensions) that IMHO may be useful for others,
>> so I'd like to share it.
>> The main idea is that it's a drop-in replacement for TabbedPanel, but it
>> does all the work on the client side. That is, all the tab contents are
>> preloaded, and the user can switch between the tabs using client-side
>> JavaScript only. No additional HTTP Requests involved.
>> The good thing is, that this fits in really neatly with all the other
>> TabbedPanel stuff. My new class ClientSideTabbedPanel is only a few
>> lines of Java and JavaScript code, and no markup. But it still supports
>> fallback, if JavaScript is deactivated.
>> The main benefit of ClientSideTabbedPanel is that it is more responsive
>> when switching tabs. It may also be better in terms of search engine
>> optimization, since all the tab-contents are being indexed in one page.
>> You can see it in action here for instance:
>> So, how can I share this? Should I just post the code to this list?
>> Anyone interested at all?

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