Hi All,

We are developing a DS asset extension for ES. In that user inserts a zip
file (Which contains the gadget thumbnail and other relevant gadget files
within it) and in order to get only the relevant thumbnail file, I have
included a hidden field of type file. So that I can unzip the zip file and
save only the thumbnail at ES side and can refer to that file for
thumbnail. I tried to add the path to the relevant field. But It is only
passing as string. I also tried to pass a jaggery file object. But still
actual file is not uploaded.

Following is the line, I inserted in asset.js,  under update,
*  options.attributes.gadget_thumbnail = GADGET_EXT_PATH + '/' +
gadgetsDirectoryLabel + '/' +
options.attributes.overview_id+'_'+options.attributes.overview_version +

How can I solve this problem? Any help on this is highly appreciated.



Megala Uthayakumar

Software Engineer
Mobile : 0779967122
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