Rename KPI sample to Retail store sample.
Make figures for each item in the sample varied. (looks bad in the graphs
currently with all having same values)
Make some gadgets based on time.(requests per each hour etc.)

Look in to feature repo based tool box distribution and get tool boxes list
down from a p2 repo
  - Local p2 repo
  - From remote repo
Tool boxes can be released separately on continuous basis separate from BAM
major release.
Should have another name for tool box

Several UI issues need to be fixed.
  - Fix "Awaiting to deploy" text
  - Wrap text in the Hive editor

We need to call M5 as Alpha as it is feature complete?
Rename org.apache.hadoop.hive.jdbc to org.wso2.hadoop.hive.jdbc
Rename org.apache.hadoop.hive.cassandra to org.wso2.hadoop.hive.cassandra
Use secure vault for credentials provided in scripts.

Is database Hive JDBC handler writes to multi-tenanted? We can leverage
data sources to make this tenant aware.
Add support for JNDI, Carbon data sources for STORED BY clause in Hive
create table.

Event stream name in the api doesn't look good.
Need to review the REST API.
Take JAX-RS support discussion seperately (go through web app or carbon
component based support)

Make the BAM mediator consistent with the log mediator. Give options to
dump whole message body, part of it (xpath) or no message body at all with
only sending the headers.
Need a new name for BAM mediator now that this will push data for BAM and
CEP as well? Syntax should be consistent with log mediator syntax.
Published data should  include httpd style log lines, transport headers etc.

Have gadget server inside BAM. Use gadget repo with BAM specific gadgets.
Need to lose the dashboard.
Have a useful tool box (need to have better name for this) sample. Retail
store example plus some thing like log analytics with a sample log data
set? Process OT logs with BAM2.

For statistics BAM1 level stats monitoring is required.
Make the dashboard story work with Jasper Reports for mediation and service
statistics (need tps figures too).
Its ok to include Jasper war files inside bar file.
For the Jasper visualization story there couple of options. Need to
investigate and adopt the suitable option.
 - Make the whole dashboard with Jasper stuff
 - Make gadgets refer to Jasper UI elements within iframes

Please add anything I have missed.

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