Hi folks,

I just downloaded EMM-1.0.0 and unzipped the pack. Then I ran wso2server.sh
and it failed to start due to the following error.

[2014-04-23 11:28:13,398] ERROR {JAGGERY.config.app:js} -

[2014-04-23 11:28:13,398] ERROR {JAGGERY.config.app:js} -

[2014-04-23 11:28:13,398] ERROR {JAGGERY.config.app:js} -

[2014-04-23 11:28:13,398] ERROR {JAGGERY.config.app:js} -

[2014-04-23 11:28:13,398] ERROR {JAGGERY.config.app:js} -

[2014-04-23 11:28:13,399] ERROR {JAGGERY.config.app:js} -

[2014-04-23 11:28:13,399] ERROR {JAGGERY.config.app:js} -  Database is not
configured or has not started up

Assuming there was a pre-requsiste to configure a database or some more, I
opened EMM_HOME/README.txt. It was similar to the following.

WSO2 Enterprise Mobility Management solution 1.0.0


18 Feb 2014

Welcome to the WSO2 Enterprise Mobility Management solution 1.0.0 release

Key Features


[1] Creating & Sharing Dashboards

[2] Creating & Sharing Microsites

[3] Creating & Sharing Gadgets

[4] Adding external gadgets by URL

[5] Pre-built graph gadgets

[6] Store integration to dashboard creation flow

[7] Enterprise store aspect

[8] Sample microsites

Installation & Running


1. extract the downloaded zip file

2. Run the wso2server.sh or wso2server.bat file in the bin directory

3. Once the server starts, point your Web browser to


For more details, see the Installation Guide

System Requirements


1. Minimum memory - 1GB

2. Processor      - Pentium 800MHz or equivalent at minimum

3. Portal app requires full Javascript enablement of the Web browser

For more details see


Known Issues



Enterprise Mobility Management Solution Binary Distribution Directory




        ├── bin   //executables

        ├── dbscripts        //DBScripts

Isn't this README from UES? Just copied it over to EMM without even looking
at the content?
It is a well defined release protocol at WSO2 to verify all release
artifacts such as licences, readme, release-notes, install.txt etc in the
final pack. In past, we have repacked many RCs at the last moment due to
wrong release artifacts since that badly affects first user experience.
Can we please make sure to follow the release guidelines in each product

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