Good day all, 
I am having problems adding Rest Services to mdm-admin
I had some troubles with mdm-android-* I created the service and refrence in 
the permition.xml file
Creating a rest service in mdm-admin it has sefinitin as below
@GET @Path("{type}/{id}/logs") public List<? extends Application> 
getDeviceLogs( @PathParam("type") String type, @PathParam("id") String id) 
throws MDMAPIException { List<Application> applications; 
ApplicationManagementProviderService appManagerConnector; DeviceIdentifier 
deviceIdentifier = new DeviceIdentifier(); try { 
deviceIdentifier.setType(type); deviceIdentifier.setId(id); appManagerConnector 
= MDMAPIUtils.getAppManagementService(); applications = 
appManagerConnector.getApplicationListForDevice(deviceIdentifier); } catch 
(ApplicationManagementException e) { String msg = "Error occurred while 
fetching the apps of the device."; log.error(msg, e); throw new 
MDMAPIException(msg, e); } return applications; }
Its a clone of the get list of application method with just the path and 
function name changed. when I deploy it. my webapp returns a 404 error status 
How do i resolve this pls
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