The WSO2 DAS team is pleased to announce the first release candidate (RC1)
version of WSO2 DAS 3.0.0.

The distribution is available for download here

The release includes the following bug fixes, improvements, and tasks over
the previous release:

Fixed Bugs

   - [DAS-24 <>] - Weight value is
   getting instead of count when invoke the Drill down record matching count
   - [DAS-56 <>] - [Carbon JDBC
   Connector]Generic exception for invalid values
   - [DAS-64 <>] - Analytic dashboard
   facet attribute does not show data correctly when selected it for x axis in
   daashboard gadget view page
   - [DAS-87 <>] - Lucene Search Queries
   Fail For Large Data Sets (> 1M records)
   - [DAS-90 <>] - Exception when
   drilldown through numeric ranges with empty lucene query
   - [DAS-93 <>] - [Dashboard] Add page
   in the deisgn view of the dashboard which is installed with capp is not
   working as expected
   - [DAS-113 <>] - USA map in the
   smart home sample is not rendered properly
   - [DAS-117 <>] - User cannot delete
   added mapings values on 'Create a New Event Publisher' page
   - [DAS-119 <>] - FNF exception when
   Server shutdown
   - [DAS-122 <>] - Error In Analytics
   Backup Tool: Restore File System
   - [DAS-123 <>] - Analytics Backup
   Tool Backup Files Target Empty
   - [DAS-127 <>] - OOM error when
   setting up DAS with real time components in HA mode
   - [DAS-128 <>] - Index records for
   incoming events are never pruned in HBase
   - [DAS-129 <>] - Index records for
   incoming events are never pruned in Cassandra
   - [DAS-131 <>] - [DAS] Issue in
   search options in data explorer
   - [DAS-132 <>] - [DAS] Search by
   date range is not resetting in data explorer
   - [DAS-133 <>] - Spark exception can
   be seen when upload car file to receiver node in clustered environment
   - [DAS-137 <>] - NPE when click on
   'Test Event Publisher' on add Event Publisher
   - [DAS-138 <>] - [DAS] No events are
   publishing when sending multiple events using a datasource
   - [DAS-139 <>] - Data Explorer lists
   multiple instances of the same table on HBase datasource
   - [DAS-140 <>] - When created a
   dashboard with identical dashboard name, previously created dashboard was
   override and back-end exception was thrown.
   - [DAS-144 <>] - Sending events
   through websocket-local results in null pointer (when stream persists data)
   - [DAS-149 <>] - Summarized Table
   gets empty after Restart
   - [DAS-150 <>] - [UI] Remove
   Permissions for dashbord is not working in Firefox
   - [DAS-153 <>] - Exceptions can be
   seen when creating gadgets using carbon users (not super-admin)
   - [DAS-155 <>] - Updating Default
   JMX Toolbox contineously throw errors
   - [DAS-158 <>] - Spark related
   unwanted info message can be seen continuously
   - [DAS-161 <>] - [DAS] Class not
   found exception when running a spark query with HBase
   - [DAS-162 <>] - DAS clustering -
   active master failover is producing a ClassCastException
   - [DAS-166 <>] - -DportOffset
   doesn't work with wso2server.bat file
   - [DAS-168 <>] - Lucene Query
   Pagination Not Working
   - [DAS-171 <>] - If same hostname is
   defined in carbon.xml in two DAS nodes, spark workers are not created
   - [DAS-172 <>] - Spark query
   execution fails with HBase cluster
   - [DAS-175 <>] - Empty table printed
   in the spark console UI when running insert queries
   - [DAS-176 <>] - Spark nodes should
   have the same folder path to form the spark cluster
   - [DAS-179 <>] - Issue in http event
   - [DAS-181 <>] - Inadequate
   validations 'Table Name' drop down in Data Explorer section
   - [DAS-184 <>] - WARN seen while
   starting DAS in nohup mode with HBase/HDFS datasource
   - [DAS-189 <>] - Analytics REST API
   Return wrong aggregate min value for "/analytics/aggregates" API
   - [DAS-193 <>] - Spark warnings can
   be seen when running the scripts in analyzer node in cluster.
   - [DAS-194 <>] - Spark schedule
   errors can be seen when running the scripts in analyzer node in cluster.


   - [DAS-19 <>] - Available existing
   record's timestamp value in dashboard gadget creation
   - [DAS-25 <>] - Implement custom
   analyzer support in spark using registry lookup
   - [DAS-26 <>] - Tune the Spark
   configurations in DAS for best performance
   - [DAS-28 <>] - Add the Lucene
   filtering facility to gadget gen wizard
   - [DAS-120 <>] - Make "Search with
   aggregate Function" API as streaming API
   - [DAS-142 <>] - [DAS] Change db2
   database configuration to compatible with both linux and windows
   environments in rdbms-config.xml file.
   - [DAS-160 <>] - Provide an option
   to remove data staging when restoring
   - [DAS-163 <>] - Provide an option
   to run spark analytics script in background from Management Console

Completed Tasks

   - [DAS-107 <>] - License for DAS

The documentation for the DAS 3.0.0 release can be found at the WSO2 DAS
3.0.0 Documentation

Issues could be reported at the WSO2 DAS Issue Tracking
<> page. When reporting issues, please be
kind enough to set the affected version as DAS 3.0.0-RC1.

We value your feedback, and suggestions are welcome.

WSO2 DAS Development Team.

[*] Download:

[*] Distribution MD5: a2bd8d94efe43d2d4a214ffad3b7c0a9

[*] Documentation:

[*] Issue reporting:

Gokul Balakrishnan
Senior Software Engineer,
WSO2, Inc.
Mob: +94 77 593 5789 | +1 650 272 9927
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