The WSO2 Identity Server team is pleased to announce the 1st Milestone of
WSO2 IdentityServer 5.4.0. You can download this distribution from
following location.

Following list contains all the features, improvements and bug fixes
available with this milestone.

   - [IDENTITY-4428 <>] - Claim
   mapping for given name is incorecct


   - [IDENTITY-5834 <>] - Under
   high concurrency UserStoreConfigXMLProcessor fails to decrypt the
   connection password in the secondary userstore file
   - [IDENTITY-5846 <>] -
   Facebook authenticator does not work properly after recent Facebook API
   - [IDENTITY-5852 <>] - OIDC
   logout fails when opbs cookie not properly cleared
   - [IDENTITY-5853 <>] - SQL
   Syntax Error in VALIDATE_AUTHZ_CODE Query.
   - [IDENTITY-5919 <>] - No
   tenant check when validating scopes in JDBCScopeValidator
   - [IDENTITY-5985 <>] - In
   Postgres CON_APP_KEY constraint becomes all lower case, causing it to skip
   error handling procedure.
   - [IDENTITY-6026 <>] -
   Retrieving user claims from cache always assume token, even when
   authorization code is given.


   - [IDENTITY-3001 <>] -
   Exchanging SAML2 bearer tokens with OAuth2 not working when server(AM) is
   - [IDENTITY-3198 <>] - IS
   Dashboard Account Recovery blank page and exception in backend after
   changing challenge question of the user from SoapUI calling
   - [IDENTITY-3222 <>] -
   Challenge questions set through setChallengeQuestions operation are not
   shown in dashbaord
   - [IDENTITY-3473 <>] - Web UI
   not creating valid XACML
   - [IDENTITY-3815 <>] -
   [IS510][Cluster][OAuth/SAML][Load/Long] NPE - exception while processing
   - [IDENTITY-3863 <>] -
   [RemoteUserStoreManagerService] Secondary user store users are not
   listed with getUserList
   - [IDENTITY-3967 <>] - Claim
   related error after authenticating with OpenID Connect
   - [IDENTITY-4003 <>] - Can not
   add users from console UI when multiple 'user search base' configured to
   user-mgt with '#' separated
   - [IDENTITY-4043 <>] -
   [IS510][Cluster][OAuth/SAML][Long][mysql] SQLException: The total number
   of locks exceeds the lock table size
   - [IDENTITY-4112 <>] - Revoked
   Access Token and Revoked Refresh Token returned back in token revoke
   endpoint response
   - [IDENTITY-4172 <>] -
   ClassNotFoundException when trying to authentication with fido
   - [IDENTITY-4173 <>] -
   Unlocking the locked users when restarting the server
   - [IDENTITY-4276 <>] -
   Encrypting values in file with cipher tool fails
   to deploy authenticationendpoint web app
   - [IDENTITY-4332 <>] -
   [Dashboard] Internal Error occured when Password is inputted with less than
   5 characters via Create Account
   - [IDENTITY-4394 <>] - OpenID
   Connect Session Management Assumptions and Limitations
   - [IDENTITY-4420 <>] - Error
   adding SAML2 Web SSO Configuration on Identity Server
   - [IDENTITY-4423 <>] - Error
   in marshalling SAML response when use custom claim for objectSID
   - [IDENTITY-4427 <>] - The
   regular expression to check valid user/rolename in user-mgmt.xml is wrong
   - [IDENTITY-4464 <>] - SQL
   error while running following query - UPDATE IDN_OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN set
   - [IDENTITY-4470 <>] - Tenant
   domain is not returning within the JWT.
   - [IDENTITY-4512 <>] - Cannot
   generate signed Authentication Context JWT for custom grant type sample
   - [IDENTITY-4534 <>] - Error
   response for implicit flow is in wrong format
   - [IDENTITY-4915 <>] - 'sub'
   claim not returned in id_tokens generated with Client credential grant type
   - [IDENTITY-4925 <>] -
   Repeated parameters and multiple credentials are allowed in token requests
   - [IDENTITY-4927 <>] -
   Incorrect error responses for missing grant_type parameter and value
   - [IDENTITY-4931 <>] - Claims
   are not retreived properly for id_tokens generated based on
   client_credentials grant type for SP's created by email users
   - [IDENTITY-4935 <>] -
   UserInfo is not retrieved for the password grant type even though it is
   returned in the decoded id token
   - [IDENTITY-4936 <>] - sub
   claim returned from user info endpoint behaves inconsistently with required
   claim values in SP
   - [IDENTITY-4937 <>] - 'sub'
   claim returned for a id_token obtained using authorization grant from
   userinfo endpoint behaves inconsistently after change in SP claim config
   - [IDENTITY-4941 <>] - Single
   Logout fail depend of logout sequence from Service Providers
   - [IDENTITY-4942 <>] - Cannot
   Try SAML passive Auth from travelocity sample application
   - [IDENTITY-4943 <>] -
   Userinfo subject format inconsistency among grant types
   - [IDENTITY-4950 <>] - Token
   obtained from SAML bearer grant active until cache timeout even after being
   revoked when subject claim contains @ value
   - [IDENTITY-4963 <>] - Access
   token is not revoked when Call back URL/allowed grant types are updated
   - [IDENTITY-4966 <>] -
   Inconsistent behaviour when UserInfo is retrieved after updating the profile
   - [IDENTITY-4967 <>] -
   OAuth2TokenValidation service returns a server error when trying a validate
   a token issued by a deleted app
   - [IDENTITY-4976 <>] - Time
   Skew is not properly handled in OAuth2
   - [IDENTITY-4981 <>] - Access
   token generated for SP for a different tenant's user is not revoked when
   SaaS is disabled
   - [IDENTITY-4983 <>] - General
   SP initiated SAML SSO and Request path SAML SSO need to be consistent
   - [IDENTITY-4999 <>] - OAuth
   response token expiry times are not consistent and accurate
   - [IDENTITY-5006 <>] - Claim
   attribute ID inconsistency in ID token for federated authentication in
   super tenant
   - [IDENTITY-5013 <>] -
   Observed inconsistency in returning "sub" attribute for userinfo endpoint
   when simply click on update button of SP
   - [IDENTITY-5022 <>] -
   Inapplicable claims returned for OIDC scopes when mapped attributes are
   - [IDENTITY-5023 <>] -
   Observed a SQL Exception when requesting token mulitiple time with implicit
   grant - using mssql DB
   - [IDENTITY-5039 <>] - [JIT
   provision] Issue when provisioning Facebook user to IS' secondary userstore
   - [IDENTITY-5052 <>] -
   [IS520][Cluster]NPE occurred issuing the access token .
   - [IDENTITY-5055 <>] - CLONE -
   Trying to connect to Disabled user stores at the server startup
   - [IDENTITY-5068 <>] - Footer
   is not at the right place while resolution is changing in Authentication
   Endpoint Login page
   - [IDENTITY-5073 <>] - Subject
   claim could not be found amongst service provider mapped unfiltered local
   - [IDENTITY-5100 <>] -
   Identity Password timestamp is not updated in user profile
   - [IDENTITY-5104 <>] - Tenant
   domain is appended to the subject claim even when 'Use tenant domain in
   local subject identifier' is not selected
   - [IDENTITY-5116 <>] - Cannot
   create user with "-" character
   - [IDENTITY-5124 <>] - Logout
   issue with Request path authenticator
   - [IDENTITY-5128 <>] - Server
   Error response when calling the token revocation endpoint with invalid
   authorization header
   - [IDENTITY-5129 <>] -
   Exception thrown when updating claims with EncryptionDecryptionPersistenc
   - [IDENTITY-5131 <>] -
   Deadlock during session cleanup task (SAML SSO)
   - [IDENTITY-5134 <>] - Cache
   invalidation does not happend when PKCE mandatory option is removed from an
   OAuth App configuration
   - [IDENTITY-5148 <>] -
   Incorrect error response for token request using authorization code when
   the authorization code is invalid
   - [IDENTITY-5157 <>] - Get
   request to identity/register and identity/connect/register endpoints causes
   - [IDENTITY-5161 <>] - Under
   OIDC - the service provider requested claims should take the priority over
   the scopes
   - [IDENTITY-5175 <>] - Role
   claim is not returned when added as a requested claim
   - [IDENTITY-5189 <>] -
   Deadlock while doing user registration
   - [IDENTITY-5207 <>] - Email
   template changes done from management console are lost after server restart
   - [IDENTITY-5217 <>] - Regex
   specified in the error message is not correct when "EnableEmailUserName" is
   - [IDENTITY-5231 <>] -
   Functionality worked in IS 5.1 is not working in IS 5.2
   - [IDENTITY-5240 <>] - Sql
   exception thrown when authorizing role
   - [IDENTITY-5278 <>] - Logout
   request is generated for other session participants, although SP is not
   enabled for SLO
   - [IDENTITY-5305 <>] -
   Intermitantly getting error when trying to logout from dashboard app
   - [IDENTITY-5306 <>] - Error
   when session timeout from dashboard app
   - [IDENTITY-5314 <>] - Result
   set is not properly close in user core
   - [IDENTITY-5334 <>] - Warning
   messages for unfilled fields are incorrect in email template edit
   - [IDENTITY-5344 <>] - Returns
   refresh tokens for saml bearer grant type
   - [IDENTITY-5384 <>] -
   Intermittent NPE in OAuth endpoint
   - [IDENTITY-5463 <>] - Can't
   assign all permissions to a role
   - [IDENTITY-5464 <>] - No Bulk
   Import Users possible
   - [IDENTITY-5508 <>] - Access
   Token Partitioning does not work
   - [IDENTITY-5529 <>] - Getting
   HTTP/1.1 201 every time as a response when run the same curl command in DCR
   - [IDENTITY-5541 <>] -
   Authenticated IdPs list not returned
   - [IDENTITY-5547 <>] - Cannot
   login after the account lock timeout is passed
   - [IDENTITY-5550 <>] - Typo in
   userstore add page
   - [IDENTITY-5554 <>] - User
   having Login permissions can't change his password neither edit his profile
   - [IDENTITY-5571 <>] -
   CONFIRM_SIGN_UP entry get created at recovery DB even when account lock on
   creation disabled
   - [IDENTITY-5577 <>] - "Clear
   Decision Cache" of XACML PDP is not working
   - [IDENTITY-5580 <>] -
   Engaging access control policies in authentication flow is broken in Tenants
   - [IDENTITY-5581 <>] -
   oauth2/authorize call throws a NPE when the session is expired
   - [IDENTITY-5596 <>] - Make
   oauth direction page 'message and button' editable.
   - [IDENTITY-5597 <>] - SAML
   federated authenticated has hard coded NameID format for Authn request and
   - [IDENTITY-5607 <>] - Blank
   page after clicking on Resident in "Service Providers" in 5.3.0
   - [IDENTITY-5636 <>] - Provide
   and endpoint to keep the session live in WSO2 IS side that can be called by
   - [IDENTITY-5659 <>] - Error
   in uploading sp metadata file in tenant
   - [IDENTITY-5660 <>] -
   Certificate added through sp metadata not persisted properly
   - [IDENTITY-5661 <>] - Need a
   way to sync the certificates uploaded from saml sp metadata file among the
   cluster nodes
   - [IDENTITY-5724 <>] -
   IDN_OPENID_USER_RPS table data not getting removed when removing authorized
   apps from the dashboard.
   - [IDENTITY-5757 <>] - PDP's
   Decision cache is not working for REST API call with JSON body
   - [IDENTITY-5783 <>] - Oauth2
   session doesn't invalidate in (APIM 1.10 & IS 5.1.0)
   - [IDENTITY-5802 <>] - OPT
   Email uses wrong template for email
   - [IDENTITY-5803 <>] - SCIM
   cannot be changed using UI in secundary user store
   - [IDENTITY-5804 <>] - Xacml
   policy change does not get affected. Instead response comes from cache
   - [IDENTITY-5811 <>] - There
   exist image files which are not available in distribution but refered in
   the html hence throwing 404
   - [IDENTITY-5812 <>] - PDP
   Caches are not sync inside the clustered environment
   - [IDENTITY-5818 <>] -
   Identity Server is throwing an error when deleting a user which has + sign
   in the username
   - [IDENTITY-5822 <>] - Unable
   to share samlssoTokenId cookie with SPs in subdomain
   - [IDENTITY-5825 <>] - When
   LDAP userstore is used, H2 database is used to store claim mapping
   - [IDENTITY-5828 <>] - Fido
   authentication does not work in 5.3.0
   - [IDENTITY-5830 <>] - When
   same auth code is used twice while OAuth cache is not enabled, Getting a
   null pointer.
   - [IDENTITY-5831 <>] -
   reCaptcha on the self-registration page dose not working
   - [IDENTITY-5848 <>] - SAML
   Inbound Extension Points Broken
   - [IDENTITY-5856 <>] - Add
   proper error message for org.wso2.carbon.identity.sso.s
   - [IDENTITY-5858 <>] -
   Incorrect error logged when UI validation fails for the identity dashboard
   - [IDENTITY-5867 <>] - Stack
   Overflow message occurs when processing a WS-Security message
   - [IDENTITY-5870 <>] - Handle
   expired token correctly in UserInfo flow
   - [IDENTITY-5874 <>] - Logins
   with leading whitespace Identity Server lead to partially successful
   authentication and assertions missing claims
   - [IDENTITY-5875 <>] -
   Exceptions being swallowed and not printed when carrying out worklflows
   - [IDENTITY-5880 <>] -
   Application created using DCR is not properly populated in Mgt Console UI
   - [IDENTITY-5881 <>] - NPE in
   DefaultClaimHandler#retrieveAllNunNullUserClaimValues if the
   MultiAttributeSeparate property is not specified in user-mgt.xml
   - [IDENTITY-5882 <>] -
   Possible NPE error in authentication framework
   - [IDENTITY-5886 <>] - Refresh
   token requests fails in a multiple node deployments when servers are not
   time synchronized
   - [IDENTITY-5888 <>] - OpenID
   connect token spec violation when we try to get JWT Bearer Grant working
   - [IDENTITY-5900 <>] - Tenant
   registry is not loading with enableing the SaaS
   - [IDENTITY-5909 <>] - OIDC
   claims parameter does not work in userinfo endpoint
   - [IDENTITY-5910 <>] - When
   the access token type is set invalid in tokenValidationResponse, the
   response comes as Server error.
   - [IDENTITY-5911 <>] - If the
   custom grant type registration has any issues, oauth app registration also
   - [IDENTITY-5925 <>] - Default
   JITUserProvisioningEnabled property in authenticators.xml is incorrect
   - [IDENTITY-5936 <>] - OAuth
   application allowed grant types are not updating without restarting the
   - [IDENTITY-5939 <>] - JWT
   token generation at OAuth 2 token validation, needs to properly handle
   federated scenario
   - [IDENTITY-5947 <>] -
   Password updates via notification email causing exhaustion of database
   connection pool
   - [IDENTITY-5950 <>] -
   Identity Management 'RegistryCleanUpTask' loads all tenants when being
   - [IDENTITY-5953 <>] - HTML
   email templates are not working for tenant users
   - [IDENTITY-5959 <>] -
   Incorrect error message for OAuth Token Request with a non exisitng
   - [IDENTITY-5962 <>] -
   Incorrect tenant id stored when persisting session data
   - [IDENTITY-5970 <>] - Null
   Pointer due to fix in IDENTITY-4120
   - [IDENTITY-5990 <>] - Error
   when adding Resident Identity Provider entry for super tenant
   - [IDENTITY-6035 <>] - Making
   <Resource context="(.*)/.well-known(.*)" secured="false"
   http-method="all"/> doesn't work


   - [IDENTITY-5916 <>] - Remove
   duplicates in Claim configurations
   - [IDENTITY-6033 <>] - Set
   default timeStampScrew value to 0.


   - [IDENTITY-5241 <>] - Improve
   error log in SAML carbon authenticator certificate not found scenario
   - [IDENTITY-5303 <>] - We
   can't get different type of property on UI when we create custom federated
   - [IDENTITY-5423 <>] - OAuth
   Error code "temporarily_unavailable".
   - [IDENTITY-5484 <>] - Package
   Name Update
   - [IDENTITY-5570 <>] -
   Mandatory Claims are not retrieved from user profile when Custom Claim
   Dialect is used
   - [IDENTITY-5574 <>] - Adding
   Form-Post support to Playground2 App
   - [IDENTITY-5575 <>] - Wrong
   extension point config name is given for PostAuthenticationHandler
   - [IDENTITY-5635 <>] - Custom
   grant handlers won't show up in UI
   - [IDENTITY-5814 <>] - Any
   audiences to be added in ID token should be added in identity.xml
   - [IDENTITY-5865 <>] - Pass
   all request parameters sent in Token Request to grant handlers
   - [IDENTITY-5873 <>] - NPE
   while rendering resident IDP UI when governance connectors are not available
   - [IDENTITY-5923 <>] - Event
   publishers in IS 5.3.0 in a fresh pack have encrypted passwords


   - [IDENTITY-6044 <>] - Fixing
   possible Null Pointer in scope validator

*How To Contribute*
Your feedback are most welcome!
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   - Developer List : | Subscribe <> | Mail
   Archive <>
   - User Forum : StackOverflow

Reporting Issues
We encourage you to report issues, improvements and feature requests
regarding WSO2 IdentityServer through public WSO2 Identity Server Runtime
JIRA <> and Analytics JIRA

~ The WSO2 Identity Server Team ~

*Pulasthi Mahawithana*
Senior Software Engineer
WSO2 Inc.,
Mobile: +94-71-5179022 <+94%2071%20517%209022>

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