WSO2 ML 1.0.0 Beta-1 Released!

WSO2 ML team is pleased to announce the Beta-1 release of WSO2 ML 1.0.0.
The distribution is available at [1]. This release includes following bug
fixes, improvements.


   - [ML-8 <>] - [UI] Make dataset
   versions non-clickable
   - [ML-9 <>] - [UI] Step 1 of an
   Analysis generates graphs only for first 10 features
   - [ML-21 <>] - Create analysis fails
   immediately after deletion of same name
   - [ML-22 <>] - Model building fails
   when column headers of CSV are Quoted
   - [ML-28 <>] - Make Title in Scatter
   Plot (Exploration) Prominant
   - [ML-31 <>] - Exploration UI needs
   - [ML-44 <>] - [UI] Changing feature
   type doesn't change the graph type
   - [ML-53 <>] - [PredictedVsActual
   Graph] Mix up features of different projects
   - [ML-54 <>] - Project name should be
   validated for global uniqueness within a tenant
   - [ML-55 <>] - Remove all unused JAG
   files etc. from ML Jaggery App
   - [ML-62 <>] - [Server Startup]
   logging of the ML app url dependency is confusing
   - [ML-63 <>] - Dataset explore page
   show error when column headers of CSV quoted
   - [ML-64 <>] - Number format exception
   when trying to build model
   - [ML-65 <>] - [UI] Errors in input
   validation for model prediction
   - [ML-66 <>] - Model building fails
   when one or more categorial features are not included
   - [ML-67 <>] - Summary stats charts
   are not updated with type selection
   - [ML-70 <>] - [Windows] Dataset
   upload failed


   - [ML-24 <>] - Implement automated
   back-end tests
   - [ML-40 <>] - Suggest an appropriate
   value for the number of classes in a Decision tree etc. algorithms
   - [ML-47 <>] - Pagination support to
   ML model listing page
   - [ML-56 <>] - Support logistic
   regression with L-BFGS
   - [ML-57 <>] - Moving common
   javascript code to one place
   - [ML-68 <>] - [Spark Logs] Move spark
   logs to spark.log file and skip wso2carbon.log
   - [ML-69 <>] - [UI] Delete
   - [ML-71 <>] - [UI] Improvements in
   Model Comparison UI
   - [ML-72 <>] - Upload data points for
   prediction using a file
   - [ML-73 <>] - [UI] Disable Model
   Summary page for clustering algorithms
   - [ML-74 <>] - Downloaded model should
   have the same name as model name


   - [ML-59 <>] - Fix critical issues
   reported by Sonar
   - [ML-60 <>] - Integrate carbon
   metrics to ML
   - [ML-61 <>] - Remove unused bam
   server url element from machine-learner.xml

The documentation for ML 1.0.0 Beta-1 can be found at [2]. Please report
any issues you may find in our JIRA [3].


- WSO2 ML Team -

*CD Athuraliya*
Software Engineer
WSO2, Inc.
lean . enterprise . middleware
Mobile: +94 716288847 <94716288847>
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