WSO2 Carbon Kernel 4.4.3 Released


The Carbon team is pleased to announce the release of Carbon Kernel 4.4.3.
Listed below are the improvements and bug fixes that are introduced with
this release.


   - [CARBON-14740 <>] - Improve
   Carbon UI framework to load UI resources from fragment bundles.
   - [CARBON-15340 <>] - Carbon
   Clustering Membership Scheme Extension Model
   - [CARBON-15625 <>] - Add a
   property to carbon.xml for file name validation
   - [CARBON-15628 <>] -
   AbstractUserStoreManager should use the available method to get user store
   domain name
   - [CARBON-15659 <>] - Worker
   proxy port is missing in carbon.xml

Bug Fixes


   [CARBON-14224 <>] -
   "Referential integrity constraint violation" exception returned when
   accessing a service WSDLs when tenants are not loaded

   [CARBON-14807 <>] - Logging
   incorrect tenant ID in wso2carbon.log

   [CARBON-15284 <>] - fails to start and other batch file problems

   [CARBON-15344 <>] - [IE11] Left
   hand menu items not visible to the user

   [CARBON-15404 <>] - When webapp
   name is 't' or webapp contains a folder named 't', CarbonContext operations

   [CARBON-15420 <>] - Roles added
   via admin service are not checked when user performing an action.

   [CARBON-15434 <>] - Improved
   fix for IDENTITY-3264

   [CARBON-15448 <>] - LDAP/AD SSO
   Logins cause two AD login events

   [CARBON-15459 <>] - Back-end
   validation doesn't work for Tenant admin while creating the tenant

   [CARBON-15475 <>] - Can't login
   in to management console when both proxycontextpath and webcontextroot is
   used together

   [CARBON-15502 <>] - LDAP
   filtering is not working properly

   [CARBON-15536 <>] - Cannot
   change password of a AD user in an OU within the OU.

   [CARBON-15609 <>] -
   SecurityVerificationTestCase fails intermittently in jdk 8

   [CARBON-15613 <>] - XSS and
   CSRF valve skip patterns does not work with tenant mode and should able to
   get all script patterns from extension file

   [CARBON-15614 <>] -
   ServerRestartHandler are not calling when the server restarts

   [CARBON-15615 <>] - Memory Leak
   Errors in backend on Graceful Server Shutdown/Restart

   [CARBON-15616 <>] - [email
   username] Wrong username displayed after signing in to management console

   [CARBON-15620 <>] - Warning
   when running in JDK 8

   [CARBON-15627 <>] -
   validationQuery parameter in Secondary UserStores are not read by the the

   [CARBON-15634 <>] - Map cleared
   event does not properly handle local cache map clear scenario in

   [CARBON-15637 <>] - LDAP/AD
   users cannot be filtered based on claim values

   [CARBON-15638 <>] - Unable to
   authenticate a user with multiple entries in "GroupSearchBase"

   [CARBON-15649 <>] -
   [CarbonRemoteUserStoreManger] roles in remote user store are not listed
   when filtered with "ALL-USER-STORE-DOMAINS"

   [CARBON-15655 <>] - LDAP/AD
   tenant creation hangs with infinite loop when "memberOf" property is defined

   [CARBON-15663 <>] - Cache
   Identifier in user name causes NPE in UserRolesCache

   [CARBON-15667 <>] - Group List
   Filter in RWLDAP User store manager secondary user store config UI contains
   unbalanced parenthesis.

   [CARBON-15674 <>] - Request
   time out when sending a PATCH request as a tenant user

   [CARBON-15676 <>] - Fix License
   header in carbon.xml

   [CARBON-15677 <>] - Close
   Resource Streams Properly

   [CARBON-15683 <>] - Rolename
   not validated with RegEx when renaming

   [CARBON-15732 <>] - Roles
   assigned for Primary Users auto assigned to Users of Secondary user store
   where both usernames are equal



   [CARBON-15505 <>] - The
   property namings of user store managers are not consistant, the code needs
   to follow a consistant standard

   [CARBON-15530 <>] - Update
   release notes and README and License.txt for kernel-4.4.3

   [CARBON-15642 <>] - Update
   commons-collections version to 3.2.2

   [CARBON-15647 <>] - update
   Axis2 version

   [CARBON-15672 <>] - Add UUID
   for each log

   [CARBON-15702 <>] - Update the
   carbon version in about.html in carbon UI

Known Issues

How to Contribute


   WSO2 Carbon Kernel code is hosted in github.

   The Git repository is

   Carbon Kernel 4.4.3 release tag is

   Please report issues at Carbon Jira,

Contact Us

​WSO2 Carbon developers​ can be contacted via following mailing lists:


   WSO2 Developers List:

   WSO2 Architecture List:

​You can download the released distribution from the following location.

​Thank you for your interest in WSO2 Carbon Kernel​.

Best Regards

Carbon Team​

Nipuni Perera
Software Engineer; WSO2 Inc.;
Git hub profile:
Blog :
Mobile: +94 (71) 5626680
Dev mailing list

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