The way the GroovyMixin works is that it locates a Groovy file with the
same name as the Mixin that it is to implement, only difference is the
.groovy instead of .java.

That seems to work in runtime, but IDEA doesn't like it, when Groovy plugin
is installed. It protests that there are two classes with the same name in
the same package (kind of rightly so).

Also, in the Java world, the Mixin implementation is not bound to "per
interface", but solely to the Method (incl the method's declaring class).

So, I wanted like to change the GroovyMixin to resolve the implementation
in some other manner, like;

    .forMixin( Mixin1.class )
    .setMetaInfo( new String[]{ Do1Impl.class.getName() } );

or something similar. BUT, that is not really possible, since
AppliesToFilters can not get any injections from @Structure or elsewhere,
so it is not possible to pick up.

Can anyone think of any other way to do a "second level" (generics-like)
declarations for telling a Mixin which implementation to use?

Niclas Hedhman, Software Developer - New Energy for Java

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