Hi Hans,

I encountered a nasty problem when I tried to make symbols for the Libertinus keyboard font.

Whenever I tried to make a table with all symbols in the font ConTeXt stops with a error message.

%%%% begin example
\definefontsynonym [LibertinusKeyboard] [file:libertinuskeyboardregular.otf]

\startsymbolset [libertinus-keyboard] [font=LibertinusKeyboard]
    % Libertinus Keyboard Regular

\showsymbolset [libertinus-keyboard]
%%%% end example

The error message is caused by two symbols in the font, the first is "bar" and the second is "dollar". The reason for this is that ConTeXt uses \tochar to auto create symbols in the font but \tochar set special catcodes for some letters.

As can be seen in the example below "dollar" has catcode 3 and "bar" has catcode "13".

%%%% begin example



%%%% end example


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