On 5/25/2011 2:12 PM, Messica, Shay wrote:
A more problematic case, is when one browser invokes a Javascript
function that causes some RPC invoke on the second process. If the
native application process needs to open event loop or run some long
operation, we have to pump events while waiting for result. This might
cause Javascript functions to get called in a nested/re-entrant manner.
What APIs are causing this? In general the idea should be that these should be asynchronous APIs, not synchronous calls.

As far as I understand, there is no way to have each browser run in a
separate thread. Is there a way to emulate that? Like to pause the
browser and keep the other browser processing events, and upon result -
resume that browser? Or is there some other technique that can help with
Not really. The answer is to change your APIs which could block and make them asynchronous.


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