Hey all,

A few months ago I sent out weekly emails about what the FxA web folks were
up to. I received messages from a couple of people outside our team who
told me the notes were valuable. I want to get back to sending those out,
the problem was, they took a lot of time. Every email took me somewhere
between 1 and 2 hours to put together because I was digging through GitHub
and etherpads to find out what members of the team were up to.

In addition, the entire FxA team is meeting more frequently than in the
past, and to reduce meeting burnout, we aim to cut down on the length of
each individual meeting. One way we are going to reduce meeting length is
to move non-critical status updates out of the meetings into a different
forum. The hope is to make the time we have together in meetings less about
finding out what everyone is up to and more about the critical signal that
everybody needs to know.

To facilitate these two goals, Vlad, Phil and I have committed to a short
term experiment - short daily status updates in gitter.im. The gitter room
[1] is open to the public, so anybody can do a drive by to see what we are
up to. The intention is to follow a very rough "done", "in progress",
"blocked on" format. Gitter allows a writer to write long-form status
updates if appropriate.

The experiment is a success if 1) people actually post their status
updates, and 2) the status updates provide value to members of the team and
drive by readers.

If anybody else in the FxA team wants to add daily status updates, please

I'll collate/massage the status updates into a weekly email to let people
outside of our team know what we are up to.



[1] - https://gitter.im/mozilla/fxa
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