I'm stealing Ryan's title format.

Link to the video: [1]

The meeting was short but packed.

   - Development on train-70 has ceased and train-71 has begun. The
   train-70 strings have been cut and sent to the localization team.

   - The Fx OS Marketplace team has confirmed that support for
   preVerifyToken is no longer needed. They in fact stopped using the feature
   in late 2015.

   - In the continuing migration to Node 4, an fxa-dev PR has updated all
   servers to Node 4.5.0. Soon, ES2015 for everyone! The profile server is
   running at 100% Node 4, the OAuth server at 50%. When the content server is
   updated, it may go immediately to 100% because node 0.10.x and node 4.5.0
   create different cache busting URLs for the same resource due to
   differences in the way they read and interpret the files.

   - The call to /config now returns an HTTP 410 (Gone) response. Instead
   of requiring an extra call to fetch config, config values are written into
   a meta element in the HTML. One less call, faster startup.

   - Several resources in the bower_components subdirectory are being
   copied over to be used in prod without having cache busting URLs. I'm on
   the hook to fix this.

   - Expired OAuth token purging is chugging along, 6 months of tokens have
   already been jettisoned.

In addition, I'd also like to thank 2 external contributors who have had
code merged this week:

Divya Biyani is our newest external contributor to the content server.
Divya has had 3 pull requests merged this week alone. Her contributions
include ensuring all external links have `rel=noopener noreferrer` to
minimize data leakage to external sites, and displaying a much better error
message to users who open the same siginin confirmation link multiple times.

Sai Prashanth is no longer interning with us, but he is still helping us to
improve our UI. Sai removed the "need inspiration" link from the password
help tooltip, and all the associated code that goes with it. He is also
working on making our show password button functionality both smoother for
the user and easier to use as a developer.


[1] - https://vreplay.mozilla.com/replay/showRecordDetails.html?recId=3626
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