On 3/9/2018 11:14 PM, Reinhard Kotucha wrote:

excerpt from texmf.cnf:
   % Do we allow TeX \input or \openin (openin_any), or \openout
   % (openout_any) on filenames starting with `.' (e.g., .rhosts) or
   % outside the current tree (e.g., /etc/passwd)?
   % a (any)        : any file can be opened.
   % r (restricted) : disallow opening dot files
   % p (paranoid)   : as `r' and disallow going to parent directories, and
   %                  restrict absolute paths to be under $TEXMFOUTPUT.
   openin_any = a

Dear Sirs,
when I set

   openin_any = p

then fmtutil can't create any LuaTeX-based format files anymore:

   $ fmtutil --sys --all

   [...stuff omitted...]

   fmtutil [ERROR]: running `luatex -ini   -jobname=luatex -progname=luatex 
luatex.ini </dev/null' return status 1
   fmtutil [ERROR]: return error due to options --strict
   fmtutil [ERROR]: running `luajittex -ini   -jobname=luajittex 
-progname=luajittex luatex.ini </dev/null' return status 1
   fmtutil [ERROR]: return error due to options --strict
   fmtutil [ERROR]: running `luatex -ini   -jobname=lualatex -progname=lualatex 
lualatex.ini </dev/null' return status 1
   fmtutil [ERROR]: return error due to options --strict
   fmtutil [ERROR]: running `luatex -ini   -jobname=dvilualatex 
-progname=dvilualatex dvilualatex.ini </dev/null' return status 1
   fmtutil [ERROR]: return error due to options --strict
   fmtutil [ERROR]: running `luatex -ini   -jobname=pdfcsplain 
-progname=pdfcsplain -etex csplain.ini </dev/null' return status 1
   fmtutil [ERROR]: return error due to options --strict
   fmtutil [ERROR]: running `luatex -ini   -jobname=dviluatex -progname=dviluatex 
dviluatex.ini </dev/null' return status 1
   fmtutil [ERROR]: return error due to options --strict

Only LuaTeX-based formats are concerned, all other format files are
built successfully.

Everything works as expected with

   openin_any = a


   openin_any = r

I'm using the latest stuff in tlpretest.
>set openin_any=p

>luatex --ini plain \dump
warning: c:/data/develop/tex-context/tex/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf:49: (kpathsea) No cnf value on line: OSFONTDIR =.
This is LuaTeX, Version 1.08.0 (TeX Live 2018/dev)  (INITEX)
 system commands enabled.

luatex.exe: Not reading from c:/data/develop/tex-context/tex/texmf/tex/plain/base/plain.tex (openin_any = p).
! I can't find file `plain'.
<*> plain
(Press Enter to retry, or Control-Z to exit)
Please type another input file name:
! Emergency stop.
<*> plain
!  ==> Fatal error occurred, bad output DVI file produced!
No pages of output.
Transcript written on texput.log.


>pdftex --ini plain \dump
warning: c:/data/develop/tex-context/tex/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf:49: (kpathsea) No cnf value on line: OSFONTDIR =. This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) (INITEX)
 \write18 enabled.

pdftex.exe: Not reading from c:/data/develop/tex-context/tex/texmf/tex/plain/base/plain.tex (openin_any = p). ! I can't find file `c:/data/develop/tex-context/tex/texmf/tex/plain/base/plain.tex'.
<*> ...context/tex/texmf/tex/plain/base/plain.tex
(Press Enter to retry, or Control-Z to exit)
Please type another input file name:
! Emergency stop.
<*> ...context/tex/texmf/tex/plain/base/plain.tex
No pages of output.
Transcript written on texput.log.


>set openin_any=a

i can make both

                                          Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
              Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
       tel: 038 477 53 69 | www.pragma-ade.nl | www.pragma-pod.nl
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