
i've already realized a simple demo for the web rtc features available in 
firefox but i've one question about the getUserMedia constraints that seems to 
be ignored by firefox.

If i ask the camera availability to the user with:
        "audio": false,
        "video": true
}, userAcceptMedia, userDidNotAcceptMedia);

i got the camera control and it record video with size 640x480 from webcam.

If i want to customize the recording dimension on other browser, like chrome, i 
can add media constraints like this:

        "audio": true,
        "video": {
                "mandatory": {
                  "minWidth": "352",
                  "minHeight": "198",
                  "minFrameRate": "15",
                  "maxWidth": "352",
                  "maxHeight": "198",
                  "maxFrameRate": "15"
}, userAcceptMedia, userDidNotAcceptMedia);

and then chrome record the video with size 352x198, but firefox record the 
video always with size 640x480.

There is a way to do that also on firefox? media constraints are not 
implemented yet on firefox?

Thanks in advice for the answers!
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