Le 30/04/2016 à 12:25, Henri Sivonen a écrit :
> We ship data tables for converting from Unicode to HTML entities.
> These tables obviously take space. (They are not optimized for space
> usage, either.) As far as I can tell, these tables are not used at all
> in Fennec. In desktop Firefox, these data tables are used only for the
> MathML View Source feature.
> Additionally, a subset of the tables is used by some XPCOM-based
> extensions, but those extensions seem to be obsolete or abandoned or
> don't seem to be using the feature for a very good reason.
> These data tables are not exposed to the Web Platform.
> In https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1048191 I proposed
> removing this for mobile only, but how about we just remove this
> altogether in order to make both Fennec and desktop Firefox smaller?


I'm resurrecting this old thread, just to say that there is now a
WebExtension implementing the "MathML view source" feature (using better
syntax highlighting and handling the invisible spaces too):


So I'm proposing to remove that feature from the core mozilla source.
The only concern I have is for Thunderbird/Seamonkey as it is not
clear yet what will be the future regarding WebExtensions.

Any opinions?

Frédéric Wang
dev-platform mailing list

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