Hi all,

The CIA/Treeherder team would like to share a few of the projects and
features that we worked on in H1 that you may not be aware of. They include:

Cost reduction

Cross-team effort reduced across-the-board monthly spend by 40% in H1 with
plans for another 25% or more in H2.

Developer productivity [gbrown]

Geoff reduced the backlog of testing bugs affecting developer productivity
with a focus on busted mach commands, improvements to crash reporting and
test debugging. There were 66 bugs resolved in H1 with an additional 44
bugs identified for continued efforts in H2.

Outreachy Accessibility project [camd and sclements]

Cameron and I mentored Outreachy intern Mellina Yonashiro during her 3
month internship from Dec - March. In addition to improving accessibility
for all users in the Treeherder family of apps, Mellina worked with Marco
Zehe and James Teh to create screen-reader friendly alternative views for
the graphs in Perfherder and Intermittent Failures View.

UX research and design project [camd and sclements]

Cameron and I observed and interviewed six developers as they used the
Treeherder family of apps. Based on our findings, we decided to focus
primarily on improving Push Health in order to make it a dedicated
developers view. With the assistance of UX designer Victoria Wang, we spent
5 weeks on an iterative design process (mockups -> feedback from users ->
mockup changes). More details (and other improvements) to come.

Treeherder filter tasks by test or manifest path [armenzg]

Armen worked on a feature that enables job filtering by test or manifest
paths. As an example, the screenshot below shows the task in which
“devtools/client/framework/browser-toolbox/test/browser.ini” is executed
in. You can see it live here
More details outlined in this blog post

Treeherder Github projects now have proper commit sorting [armenzg]

Github does not have the concepts of pushes, however, Treeherder does.
There are few Github projects running on Treeherder and they each have
different automation systems to merge code into their respective master
branches. Unfortunately, this created various edge cases where a recent
Github code landing on master would show up later in Treeherder’s timeline.
This was fixed earlier this year and makes for easier tree sheriffing.

*Treeherder's Add new Jobs (Search) feature has been enhanced*

The Add New Jobs (Search) feature in Treeherder, it has recently been
updated to take advantage of new advanced search filtering operators
<https://fusejs.io/examples.html#extended-search>. These should be
practically equivalent to mach try fuzzy's search operators, although
specific queries from mach try fuzzy might not trigger an identical set of
jobs when used in Treeherder because of differences in how lists of
available jobs are supplied to both tools. Examples | Fuse.js

Perfherder improvements

The performance test team has made many improvements to the Perfherder UI
such as improved search for alerts and allowing retriggers of up to 10
performance jobs directly from the Compare View. They’ve reached a
milestone (80% complete) with the backfill bot, which will backfill missing
performance jobs.

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