
=Re decoding.

I'm replying to this note: 

"1. We're fans of libjpeg-turbo - it powers JPEG decoding in Firefox because 
its focus is on being fast, and that isn't going to change any time soon. The 
mozjpeg project focuses solely on encoding, and we trade some CPU cycles for 
smaller file sizes. We recommend using libjpeg-turbo for a standard JPEG 
library and any decoding tasks. Use mozjpeg when creating JPEGs for the Web."

Why not use hardware for JPEG? It uses less memory, and battery as well as 
being quicker. It's available on many devices these days too. Why use the CPU 
to first convert a small amount of data into a big amount of data when it's not 
needed by most hardware? Not only that, but you probably store the original 
JPEG data in cache as well! The fastest decoder is the one that does nothing. 
Just let the dedicated JPEG decoding hardware, or the GPU do it.

All talk of considering decoding performance is kind of silly considering the 
JPEG performance could be improved massively.

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