On 8/7/16 12:45, Jonathan Moore wrote:
I was wondering about how one would go about integrating ActionScript
into Gecko.

I'd start by looking at Shumway <http://mozilla.github.io/shumway/> -- I believe it only does Actionscript 1, 2, and 3, and that the support is only partial, but it's probably easier than trying to start something from scratch. Note that Shumway is no longer under active development.

I'd also encourage you to back up to first principles and ask why you're not just targeting HTML5 directly. My understanding is that Adobe Flash Professional can target JS just as easily as it can Actionscript: http://tv.adobe.com/watch/adobe-technology-sneaks-2012/export-to-html5-from-flash-professional/

Adam Roach
Principal Platform Engineer
Office of the CTO
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