Today, we disabled Gaia UI tests on the B2G pandas [1][2][3]. The reason is that they were broken and our testing plan is to test on Desktop builds rather than pandas [3].

At some point we used to run these jobs across all trees, then we hid them, then we only left them running on Cedar and Gaia-Master.

If we don't have a need to test on panda boards, are there any reasons left to keep on creating the B2G panda builds?

Looking forward to hear back from you.



[1] https://tbpl.mozilla.org/?tree=Cedar&showall=1&jobname=b2g_panda%20cedar%20opt%20test%20gaia-ui-test
[2] https://tbpl-dev.allizom.org/?tree=Gaia-Master
[3] http://pandaboard.org/node/300/#PandaES
A) It is easier to test on B2G Desktop builds than on Panda boards
B) We don't gain anything from testing on Panda boards (no radio capabilities)
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