On 20/07/2018 03:25, Kris Maglione wrote:
On Thu, Jul 19, 2018 at 07:17:13PM -0700, Jeff Gilbert wrote:
Using a classic read/write exclusive lock, we would only every contend
on read+write or write+write, which are /rare/.

That might be true if we gave up on the idea of switching to Robin Hood hashing. But if we don't, then every lookup is a potential write, which means every lookup required a write lock.

I'm a bit puzzled by this statement, actually.... my understanding of Robin Hood hashing (based on looking at a few articles; I don't claim anything like in-depth study) is that it may move existing entries during *insertion*, and potentially during *deletion* (if using a backward-shift deletion approach, rather than tombstones), but *lookup* operations wouldn't modify anything.

So we should be able to use Robin Hood hashing with an RWLock that allows reading from multiple threads without contention; only writing (which for prefs is pretty rare, I believe) would block other threads.

Or is there a more advanced version of the Robin Hood design, where *lookup* also rearranges entries?

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