Summary: Implement StaticRange and makes it and Range inherits AbstractRange
Link to Standards:
Platform coverage: all
Estimated or target release: 69 (or later if we'd meet web-comoat issue)
Preference behind which this will be implemented: none
Is this feature enabled by default in sandboxed iframes? Yes
DevTools bug: N/A
Do other browser engines implement this? a little bit complicated, see below.
web-platform-tests: Only interface existence is tested.
Is this feature restricted to secure contexts? No

StaticRange is simpler range than Range (nsRange internally). Different from Range, StaticRange does not modify its start boundary nor end boundary when the DOM tree is modified. In other words, StaticRange keeps storing start and end boundaries when it's created. This is currently implemented by Chrome, Safari and Edge. This was declared with constructor but current it's explicitly removed.

AbstractRange is common interface of Range and StaticRange. This also does not have constructor. Chrome supports this interface.

Both of them cannot be created from WebAPI for now. StaticRange will be used as result of InputEvent.getTargetRanges().

So, we just exposes the interfaces for now, but I think that nobody uses this for feature detection.

Masayuki Nakano <>
Working on DOM, Events, editor and IME handling at Mozilla
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