We need to implement InputEvent.data and InputEvent.dataTransfer because they are important information for web apps especially for "beforeinput" event listeners. So, we need to implement these attributes before implementing "beforeinput" event. The bug is here:

Those attributes tell what content is inserted ("input") or will be inserted ("beforeinput") to web apps.

The former is declared by UI Events:

The latter is declared by Input Events:

And their values are defined by Input Events:

Those are implemented by both Chrome and Safari, but their implementation are not enough though (e.g., "input" event is not set those values properly in a lot of cases). But I'm going to add check of those attributes into WPT as far as possible at landing the patches and I'll file bugs for them.

Currently, I plan to enable them by default in all channels like InputEvent.inputType. If we would get web-compat issues, e.g., they are used to detect "beforeinput" event support, then, I'd disable them in a follow up bug.

Masayuki Nakano <masay...@d-toybox.com>
Software Engineer, Mozilla
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