Summary: A new system tab level prompt to replace (most) window prompts on

Bug: Bug 1615588 - Extend nsIPromptService to support tab modal system
prompts <>

Platform coverage: Desktop, (Android) (chrome code)

Schedule: Firefox 77

There are currently two different types of prompts in Firefox:
Content: Mostly shown by websites via window.alert/confirm/prompt
Window: System level, called from chrome via nsIPrompt and nsIPromptService

Window prompts - The Problem

Many of our system (window) prompts can be directly or indirectly triggered
by web content. This poses a DoS threat. If not properly rate limited,
window prompts can easily be spammed and exhaust system resources. Since
they take exclusive focus and usually lock the browser while open, the user
is unable to switch tabs or close the main window. Websites can abuse this
and lock the user in.
We are seeing multiple instances where this is actively abused in the wild.
Some examples:

Bug 1571003 - Basic auth confirmation prompt spam / DOS
<>Bug 615761 -
window.external.AddSearchProvider loop DoS
<>Bug 1611517 - DOS via
insecure form submission prompt

Tab level system prompts - A new prompt type

We plan to fix this DoS attack vector and also improve usability of system
prompts by introducing a new tab prompt type. This type behaves similar to
content prompts. It is shown per tab and does not steal focus from the main
window. If spammed by websites, prompts are simply queued and the user can
still close the tab. This should fix any prompt related DoS issues.
Tab prompts are positioned higher in the browser and overlap with the upper
chrome toolbar to distinguish them from content prompts and prevent
spoofing. We are looking to visually separate them even further in the

Overview & examples of updated prompt modal types


In the coming weeks, we will migrate all window prompts which are not
global and can be clearly associated with a tab to be tab modal. This work
is tracked in bug 616843

How to Prompt

Please use the nsIPromptService wherever possible. I’ve extended it to
support prompting by BrowsingContext and modal type (window, tab, content).
I’m also working on support for promise-based async prompting (Bug 1271842

I’ve added extensive documentation for the updated prompt service in the
firefox-source-docs, which should land soon (see Bug 1622836
<>). You can find a
preview of the prompt service code documentation here

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Best Regards,
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