Hi all,

FYI, I've landed some more timer changes in FF52 nightly.  This builds on
the work previously discussed here:


As of today's nightly setTimeout() and setInterval() will more aggressively
yield the main thread back to other work in the browser.

What does this mean?

1) If your page typically only fires a few timers or timers spread over
time you should see no change.
2) If your page fires many timers that try to execute at once and the
browser is idle, you should see no change.
3) If your page fires many timers that try to execute at once and the
browser is busy, you may see some timers delayed a bit more than previous
versions of FF.
3) The order of timer callbacks should not be effected.

In addition, if we detect a page is generating many more timer callbacks
than can be processed by the browser we will temporarily suspend the page
until the main thread can catch up.

These restrictions only apply to content windows and not chrome windows.

Please let me know if you run into any problems from these changes.


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