Hello there!

It has been almost 3 months since our last update on the Firefox Profiler.
In that time the Performance Tools team and our awesome contributors have
made numerous improvements that will hopefully make your jobs easier, for
all of you trying to make Firefox fast, for good.

Here are the highlights:


   First of all we added documentation <https://perf-html.io/docs/#/>
   including short videos, on how to use the profiler and some case studies
   about how performance investigations are often conducted. You can find
   links to the docs in the button list above the timeline and in the
   perf-html.io landing page.

   Secondly, we added a new Network tab that contains information about the
   network requests that occurred during profiling. We plan to make this new
   panel look more like the devtools network panel soon.

   Since the profiler can now collect network requests that sometimes
   contain privacy-sensitive information, the Share button has an additional
   checkbox in the popup panel to choose whether to include these network
   requests in the uploaded profile. This checkbox is unchecked by default to
   protect user privacy. If a profile has been shared without network
   information by mistake (and vice versa), an additional button to "Share
   with URLs" (or "Share without URLs") will appear next to the Permalink

   There is also a new sidebar that can be opened from the button on the
   right side of the tab list to inspect individual stack frames in the Call
   Tree and Flame Graph, and soon in the rest of the panels as well.

   The Call Tree now displays an activity category indicator (a colored
   box) next to the stack frame. The category types are color-coded and
   hovering over the colored box displays the category name in a tooltip (JS,
   Graphics, Layout, etc.). Soon we will start displaying the activity
   information in the thread timelines, which will make it easier to find the
   interesting parts at a glance.

   Another useful visual polish is that selecting a time range by dragging
   the cursor over the timeline will now display the time range duration in
   the time breadcrumb bar. Zooming in on this range will add the duration to
   the breadcrumb bar, while deselecting the range will make it disappear.

   The profiler is now smarter about idle threads that are rarely useful to
   inspect and hides them by default. They can be shown again using the thread
   context menu (right click on the thread list).

   For things the profiler can't be smart about, we added configuration
   options to better fit the various use cases. The add-on panel used for
   starting and stopping the profiler now includes options to use a single
   thread for Stylo (sequential styling) and disable responsiveness probes,
   among others.

   In that same panel, it is now possible to profile all threads of a
   specific process, instead of the specified threads in every process. The
   syntax to use for the former is, for example |pid=1234|, whereas the syntax
   for the latter is e.g. |GeckoMain,Compositor,StyleThread|.

   Finally there is now support for profiling Fennec, by following the
   instructions in the docs
   <https://perf-html.io/docs/#/./guide-remote-profiling>. Soon we expect
   to be able to profile Focus Nightly that ships with GeckoView.

Feel like taking the profiler for a spin to check out all these new
features? That’s fantastic! While you do that, if you spot anything that
seems to be suboptimal, please file a bug and tag it with [qf] in the
whiteboard. Our performance team is eager for more performance bugs to

Happy profiling!

Panos, on behalf of the perf tools team
dev-platform mailing list

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