Hi all,

There are two things in the platform that need a developer, which would 
significantly help Firefox OS L10n/Intl work.

1) Move navigator.mozHour12 to platform

This is a shim [0] that currently requires us to give all apps that want to 
properly display time to elevate its privileges to have access to mozSettings, 
while reading this settings should not require any privs.

Moving this to the platform would make our code more secure, and enable 
third-party apps to create better UX for the users.

For desktop/android Gecko I think it's totally fine to leave it as undefined 
for now (which means that Intl API will use automatic value for a language) or 
we could take the data from the platform and follow it (which would be nice as 

Bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1172732

2) MutationObserver callbacks should be called before executing defer scritps

It seems like it should be easy to add, but I don't understand the codebase to 
write it myself.

This one will allow us to write better shims for API's that we'd be 
standardizing. The reason why it hurts us right now is because all of our code 
is deferred and it means that we cannot rely on MutationObserver based shims to 
provide the experience matching the one a platform would give.

Bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1180927

I would appreciate help with those two things.

Thank you!

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