As you may be aware, we have disabled service workers in all ESR releases
since it was implemented.  At first this was because it was a big new
feature with security implications.  Then it was because we realized we
needed to rewrite a lot of code to properly support multi-e10s.  Back
porting security fixes across such a rewrite would be quite difficult.

Unfortunately it looks probable that we will need to disable service
workers in FF59 ESR as well.

There is some small hope that we will complete the service workers e10s
rewrite in FF59.  However, its also very likely this will not get done
given that the all hands, holiday, and company-wide extended PTO is taking
place in this cycle.

You may be asking, how close is the service worker e10s rewrite?  Have you
guys made any progress?

Let me provide a brief update of where we are:

- The main blocker has been bug 1293277 as it is necessary to provide
cross-process primitives we can use in ServiceWorkerManager and necko.
- I am now splitting off patches from the mega-patch in bug 1293277 and
landing them as they are reviewed.
- I expect bug 1293277 to 100% be done in FF59 and hopefully before the
- We have also extricated the parent-side service worker interception code
from the main http cache path in bug 1391693.  This will make it easier to
refactor interception as it isolates us from some necko complexity.
- After bug 1293277 is done there will be additional work to use the
primitives throughout the ServiceWorkerManager to enable it to live
- We also need to update prototype work to do service worker launch and
event dispatch remotely from the parent process.
- We can then switch to performing all service worker interception and life
cycle management in the parent process.
- There will also probably be a reasonably long tail of stability and
performance issues to fix.  Fortunately we have a pretty good test suite to
avoid functional regressions.

At the end of the day we all would like this complete so we could enable in
ESR, but I think the amount of work remaining is challenging given the
holiday/all-hands cycle.  Realistically we should plan on service workers
being disabled in FF59 ESR.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  Thanks.

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