Re: Old roots to new roots best practice?

2017-09-17 Thread Ryan Sleevi via dev-security-policy
Hi there,

I agree, Gerv's remarks are a bit confusing with respect to the concern.
You are correct that the process of establishing a new root generally
involves the creation of a self-signed certificate, and then any
cross-signing that happens conceptually creates an 'intermediate' - so you
have a key shared by a root and an intermediate.

This is not forbidden; indeed, you can see in my recent suggestions to
Symantec/DigiCert, it can and often is the best way for both compatibility
and interoperability. Method #2 that you mentioned, while valid, can bring
much greater compatibility challenges, and thus requires far more careful
planning and execution (and collaboration both with servers and in
configuring AIA endpoints)

However, there is a criticism to be landed here - and that's using the same
name/keypair for multiple intermediates and revoking one/some of them. This
creates all sorts of compatibility problems in the ecosystem, and is thus
unwise practice.

As an example of a compatibility problem it creates, note that RFC5280
states how to verify a constructed path, but doesn't necessarily specify
how to discover that path (RFC 4158 covers many of the strategies that
might be used, but note, it's Informational). Some clients (such as macOS
and iOS, up to I believe 10.11) construct a path first, and then perform
revocation checking. If any certificate in the path is rejected, the leaf
is rejected - regardless of other paths existing. This is similar to the
behaviour of a number of OpenSSL and other (embedded) PKI stacks.
Similarly, applications which process their own revocation checks may only
be able to apply it to the constructed path (Chrome's CRLSets are somewhat
like this, particularly on macOS platforms). Add in caching of
intermediates (like mentioned in 4158), and it quickly becomes complicated.

For this reason - if you have a same name/key pair, it should generally be
expected that revoking a single one of those is akin to revoking all
variations of that certificate (including the root!)

Note that all of this presumes the use of two organizations here, and
cross-signing. If there is a single organization present, or if the
'intermediate' *isn't* intended to be a root, it's generally seen as an
unnecessary risk (for the reasons above).

Does that help explain?

On Sun, Sep 17, 2017 at 11:37 AM, userwithuid via dev-security-policy <> wrote:

> Forgot the links:
> [1]!topic/
> security.policy/hNOJJrN6WfE
> [2]!msg/
> security.policy/RJHPWUd93xE/RqnC3brRBQAJ
> [3]
> d1c45c2f47f93be372a17b96b50757d5a2
> [4]
> a40a53406a3aec26039efa6b2e0e7244c1
> [5]
> 597f12d2cad2f63d1a4aa37493800ffb80
> [6]
> cee590cc9b5ad677f134fc137a6d57d2e7
> [7]
> 24a9db406fee12d2cc90180517616e8a18
> [8]
> 4fcce203d4c2eddcaa4013763b5a23d81f
> [9]
> ___
> dev-security-policy mailing list
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Re: FW: StartCom inclusion request: next steps

2017-09-17 Thread Eric Mill via dev-security-policy
I didn't understand the original below comment by StartCom very well about
the cross-sign, but after Ryan's message I understand it better in

> On Thu, Sep 14, 2017 at 11:05 AM, Inigo Barreira via dev-security-policy <> wrote:
> I´ve never said this. In fact, despite having that cross-signed which
were provided to us in july we have never used and provided to any of our
customers to build a trusted path. So none of those 5, or the new ones,
go with the Certinomis path because none have it. But all those 5 certs
are untrusted because we´re not in the Mozilla root, not the new one, and
the old one was distrusted.
> In fact, recently, I asked for permission to use the Certinomis
cross-signed certificates and have no response. I don´t know if this is an
administrative silence which may allow me to use it but until having a
clear direction we haven´t used it.

So this appears to be saying that "all those 5 certs are untrusted"
because StartCom didn't provide the full chain to customers, even though
such a chain could be constructed. The cross-signature wasn't published in
CT until August 2nd, but that's not any sort of guarantee that the
cross-signature wasn't discoverable by other means -- its availability
until August 2nd is a function of actions by Certinomis that are not
disclosed. The August 2nd date is also after StartCom's actions were being
publicly questioned, so it suggests the possibility that the
cross-signature would have been kept secret for longer, and was only
submitted to CT once scrutiny had increased.

Whether the cross-cert was issued before the audit report date is also a
mystery, especially if it's possible that either Certinomis or StartCom was
operating under the assumption that the cross-signature is irrelevant until
"delivered" to customers.

StartCom has remarked several times in this thread that they are being
treated unfairly, but I can think of at least one comparison to a previous
distrust event, which is that one of the more significant (in my opinion)
issues with Symantec's now-deprecated PKI is that there existed chains that
brought U.S. Federal PKI certificates into being trusted by Mozilla. Those
chains were, as far as I know, never delivered proactively to customers,
but could easily be constructed by any interested party with sufficient
knowledge of the universe of cross-signatures. For example, Qualys' SSL
Labs reports would automatically construct those chains for sites using
FPKI certs, and let users download the full chain in one click.

The threat model here is not what ordinary inexpert customers do, but what
opportunities an adversary has available to them among the universe of
trusted CAs to obtain certificates. In the Symantec/FPKI case, the problem
was that an adversary could easily use an FPKI certificate to intercept
connections made by Mozilla products, whether or not Symantec or the FPKI
ever advertised or proactively enabled this use case. What made this such a
big issue, in addition to the scope of the technical impact, is that the
issue was not noticed or elevated for years, during which multiple
"generations" of cross-signs had been issued and expired. It brought
Symantec's ability to understand their own PKI into serious question.

So I think the biggest issue here is not so much the technical impact, but
that StartCom was communicating inaccurate information to Mozilla. The
certs were publicly trusted by Certinomis, whether the cross-signature was
delivered to StartCom or to customers or to no one. While presumably this
inaccuracy was unintentional, it was enough to cause Gerv to express public
confusion and doubt about whether the certificates were part of the
cross-signed hierarchy. It also reflects a potentially dangerous difference
of perspective between StartCom and root stores in how StartCom evaluates
the trust and impact of the certificates they issue. For a CA that has been
operating for as long as StartCom has, I think it's fair to describe this
as concerning.

I also think that Certinomis, whose cross-signing practices are now being
scrutinized, should proactively post to this list with a timeline of its
own actions during this process, so that their actions can be understood in
the context of StartCom's.

-- Eric
dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: Old roots to new roots best practice?

2017-09-17 Thread userwithuid via dev-security-policy
Forgot the links:

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Old roots to new roots best practice?

2017-09-17 Thread userwithuid via dev-security-policy
Quoting Gerv from the latest StartCom thread [1]:
"* The key for their new root certificate was also used in a couple of
intermediates (one revoked as it was done incorrectly - again, lack of
testing!). While this is probably not a policy violation, it's not good

Everyone including StartCom itself acknowledges that the one "done 
incorrectly", the revoked one, shouldn't have happened. This thread is not 
about that.

I want to understand the meaning and reasoning for the rest of the bullet point 
as it makes no sense to me. I asked this before in the StartCom/Certinomis 
thread [2], where Kathleen said the same as Gerv, but it got no response, so 
I'm trying again.

I can think of 3 ways to support old and new roots in parallel:

In the other thread I mentioned that major CAs like Amazon [3], Comodo [4] and 
GlobalSign [5] also seem to use the key for a root cert in an "intermediate". 
This is used to create the following trust paths:

modern client: new root (in store) --- issuing intermediate A0 --- leaf
legacy client: old root (in store) --- new root! (same key/name, but different 
cert; "intermediate") --- issuing intermediate A0 --- leaf

The alternative solution seems to be to "reuse" the key of the issuing 
intermediate instead, as done by e.g. Entrust [6] or Let's Encrypt/IdenTrust 
[7]. Paths:

modern: new root --- issuing intermediate A1 (eg signed by ISRG Root) --- leaf
legacy: old root --- issuing intermediate A2 (same key/name as A1, different 
cert, eg signed by IdenTrust) --- leaf

Yet another solution would be to have no key/name sharing @ CA level, and 
instead sign a leaf with multiple keys during the issuing process to create 
multiple unrelated paths. That would result in having more than one leaf cert 
though, so it is not a viable solution in general.

modern: new root --- issuing intermediate N --- leaf L1
legacy: old root --- issuing intermediate O --- leaf L2 (different cert, but 
possibly same key)

Looks like StartCom chose 1. [8] instead of 2. This was explicitly permitted by 
Mozilla in [9]. So why are they now criticized for it? Am I missing something, 
did I get it wrong above? In general: Is 1. really "not good practice" to 
switch roots, do Mozilla or others prefer 2.?*

* I sure hope not. Option 1 implicitly makes server admins provide either only 
the new path, or both old and new paths, never just the old one. Option 2 
allows "only old" as well. Since trust stores keep old roots for compat, "only 
old" works when admins test it, so they can use that and forget "new". Hence 
you can't easily remove legacy roots from the trust store because compat; 
chicken/egg. (unless you get the right=new intermediates into the trust 
store/interm cache/validation path somehow; that's ugly but sometimes possible 
e.g. with NSS you can have neutral trust entries and iiuc AIA chasing could 
also do this?).
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