EJBCA performs incorrect calculation of validities

2020-10-28 Thread Mike Kushner via dev-security-policy
Hi all,

We were alerted to the fact that EJBCA does not calculate certificate and OCSP 
validities in accordance with RFC 5280, which has been a requirement since BR 
1.7.1 The word "inclusive" was not caught, meaning that a certificate/response 
issued by EJBCA will have a validity of one second longer than intended by the 

This will only cause an incident for certificates of a validity of exactly 398 
days - any certificates with shorter validities are still within the 

This has been fixed in the coming EJBCA 7.4.3, and all PrimeKey customers were 
alerted a week ago and recommended to review their certificate profiles and 
responder settings to be within thresholds. 

While investigating this we noticed that several non-EJBCA CAs seem to issue 
certificates with the same non RFC-compliant validity calculation (but still 
within the 398 day limit), so as a professional courtesy we wish like to alert 
other vendors to review their implementations and lessen the chance of any 

Mike Agrenius Kushner
Product Owner, EJBCA
dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: Notice on SC31 and CAs using EJBCA

2020-09-18 Thread Mike Kushner via dev-security-policy
To be clear, the change came as a result of following the cabf mailing
lists, and was released as soon as it could be fit into our pipeline. All
customers were informed through our release mailing list.

Mike Agrenius Kushner
Product Owner, EJBCA

On Fri, 18 Sep 2020 at 13:35, Arvid Vermote via dev-security-policy <
dev-security-policy@lists.mozilla.org> wrote:

> During gap analysis and impact assessment of the changes to the BR in the
> context of SC31 - Browser Alignment, we noted that our legacy platform,
> using EJBCA as issuance backend, did not fully support the changes related
> to not including the "Unspecified" reason code in OCSP responses for the
> certificates that are revoked with that reason. Refer to BR 1.7.1 section
> 7.3 and 7.2.2, this specific requirement is effective as of September 30
> 2020.
> We raised the issue with PrimeKey and EJBCA version 7.4.2 was released on
> September 14 2020. This message is intended to inform other CA using EJBCA
> software and subject to BR of the above.
> ___
> dev-security-policy mailing list
> dev-security-policy@lists.mozilla.org
> https://lists.mozilla.org/listinfo/dev-security-policy
dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: CAA record checking issue

2019-05-13 Thread Mike Kushner via dev-security-policy
On Monday, May 13, 2019 at 1:39:32 AM UTC+2, Matt Palmer wrote:
> On Sat, May 11, 2019 at 08:37:53AM -0700, Han Yuwei via dev-security-policy 
> wrote:
> > This raised a question:
> >  How can CA prove they have done CAA checks or not at the time of issue? 
> They can't, just as they can't prove they have or haven't done
> domain-control validation.  It's up to audits, external adversarial testing,
> and the forthright honesty of CAs themselves to proactively report when they
> have a problem, to identify when CAs have failed to maintain the necessary
> standards.
> - Matt

Indeed. It would have been awesome if CAA had included returning a signed token 
containing the result of the check, but that would probably have been 
impossible to roll out on all of the world's DNS servers. 

dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: Open Source CA Software

2019-03-15 Thread Mike Kushner via dev-security-policy
On Thursday, March 14, 2019 at 11:54:52 PM UTC+1, James Burton wrote:
> Let's Encrypt CA software 'Boulder' is open source for everyone to browse
> and check for issues. All other CAs should follow the Let's Encrypt lead
> and open source their own CA software for everyone to browse and check for
> issues. We might have found the serial number issue sooner.
> Thank you,
> Burton

Dude, EJBCA has been open source long enough to be able to legally vote and 
have a driver's license. Literally. But I agree, and we are open source for 
exactly that reason. 

I will add though, and stress, that this was not an issue with how EJBCA 
generates serial numbers. EJBCA still produces serial numbers with the max 
entropy for a given serial number length, as configured in number of octets. If 
you set EJBCA to use 20 octets you'll get 159 bits of entropy, the max 
available without breaking the RFC, and it's been that way since 2014. 

To save people time, by the way, here you go:

This was not an issue with the source, it was an issue with the end user's 
understanding of what it means to define an SN length as given number of of 
octets, how integer octets are defined in x690, and what entropy that can be 
derived. That is all a documentation failure on our end - we could have been 
more explicit, and we could have reached out more. 

There's also the faulty assumption that SN length = entropy. As we've seen, 
many other CA implementations produce SNs with far less entropy than their 
length would allow. I'm not saying that there's anything inherently wrong with 
that, but it illustrates the danger of making assumptions. 

As we didn't follow cabf at the time we weren't fully aware of the severity of 
the problem, and assumed that affected parties understood their configurations 
and raised the SN length.
dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: What's the meaning of "non-sequential"? (AW: EJBCA defaulting to 63 bit serial numbers)

2019-03-12 Thread Mike Kushner via dev-security-policy
> I think when it comes to specifications with cryptographic relevance (as 
> unpredictable serials are), less is more; the more inflexible and 
> unambiguous the spec is, the less likely it will be "creatively 
> interpreted" in a manner that bypasses the whole point. To someone with 
> crypto experience and an understanding of the intent, the current 
> language clearly means "take 64 bits from a CSPRNG once, put whatever 
> you want around them (or nothing), DER encode, and stuff it into the 
> serial field". But clearly some implementers interpreted this 
> differently, and here we are.
> That said, I do think the current exercise is, shall we say, bringing 
> out some interesting opinions on what an appropriate response to the 
> problem is. Statements such as:
> > There are no, and has never been any, 63 bit serial numbers created by 
> > EJBCA.
> ... lead me to significantly reduce my trust in those making them, and 
> their ability to correctly interpret security-critical standards in the 
> future. Not everyone gets things right the first time, but owning up to 
> problems, understanding the technical issue at hand, and accepting 
> responsibility is a basic tenet of earning community trust.

I'm sorry you feel that way, but here's the thing. EJBCA produces whatever 
length serial numbers you request from it, restricted to an even octet and 
within the span of 4 to 20. EJBCA set to produce 8 octet serial numbers will 
produce exactly 64 bit serial numbers, including the MSB. Are you suggesting 
that a logical behavior for a 8 octet serial number would be to produce a 9 
octet serial number and pad the first 7 bits? 
EJBCA will produce exactly the serial number you've specified, and give you as 
much entropy as your serial length allows. 

EJBCA is a general CA implementation with multiple use cases, so it's not built 
to specifically conform to cabf requirements. As Ryan Sleevi pointed out - It 
is up to the end customer to understand their own requirements, and to 
understand that a 64 bit signed integer can in no way or fashion contain 64 
bits of entropy. 

Unless you're going under the presumption that the MSB doesn't count as a part 
of the serial number (and I've never seen an RFC or requirement pointing to 
that being the case, EJBCA does not produce 63 bit serial numbers. 

dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: EJBCA defaulting to 63 bit serial numbers

2019-03-08 Thread Mike Kushner via dev-security-policy
Hi Jakob,

On Thursday, March 7, 2019 at 7:30:03 PM UTC+1, Jakob Bohm wrote:
> In the cause of the other discussion it was revealed that EJBCA by PrimeKey 
> has apparently:
> 1. Made serial numbers with 63 bits of entropy the default.  Which is 
>   not in compliance with the BRs for globally trusted CAs and SubCAs.

This has been the default setting since 2001, predating Ballot 164 quite some. 
At the time this was more than sufficient, and we hadn't reviewed it.

> 2. Mislead CAs to believe this setting actually provided 64 bits of 
>   entropy.

I'm presuming that you're not assigning any intention to the above.

We have always been open with that EJBCA generates 64 bit serial numbers, 
compliant with RFC5280 (3280 back then) and X.690. We weren't, at start of the 
previous thread, aware of the requirements made by CABF Ballot 164 as we've 
only been active in following the proceedings for the last couple of years, but 
as vendors we've historically viewed the responsibility configuring EJBCA 
correctly to meet existing standards as up to the end customer. We've been 
aware of the BR requirement for some time now, but we were not aware of the 
detailed previous discussion related to 63 vs 64 bits that has been held.

> 3. Discouraged CAs from changing that default.

This is not true in the least. Serial number size has been configurable since 
at least 2008 (long before B164). There is a note in the configuration file 
about not changing it unless you understand what you're doing, but that 
pertains to not lowering it below 64 bits. Raising the SN size (and thus 
entropy) has in fact been done by several of our customers (in response to 
B164, or for whatever other reason).
> This raises 3 derived concerns:
> 4. Any CA using the EJBCA platform needs to manually check if they 
>   have patched EJBCA to comply with the BR entropy requirement despite 
>   EJBCAs publisher (PrimeKey) telling them otherwise.
>Maybe this should be added to the next quarterly mail from Mozilla to
>   the CAs.

A patch isn't required as the value is configurable in a config file, and in 
response to the concerns raised here we've added functionality for changing the 
serial number size without requiring a change to the config files. 

Again, I don't agree with your statement that we've told anybody that EJBCA, by 
default configuration, complies with the BR, as much configuration is needed to 
issue BR compliant certificates. A correct technical description of serial 
numbers is documented in the configuration file. The documentation did not 
consider the above discussion regarding entropy, as 64 bit serial numbers were 
leagues past the entropy requirements prior to 2016.

The documentation absolutely does encourage the end user to feel free to use 
larger serial number sizes, EJBCA is used in a lot of non public CA use cases, 
and as such ability to configure according to BR requirement or not is a key 

It does bear mentioning that the purpose of requiring serial number entropy was 
to mitigate against pre-imaging attacks against SHA-1, something which today 
has no bearing whatsoever. While I'm not claiming that there will never ever be 
a collision found against SHA256, but I hope you understand that this is a 
compliance issue against a requirement that for now has no has any security 

> 5. Is it good for the CA community that EJBCA seems to be the only 
>   generally available software suite for large CAs to use?

While I agree that diversity is good for any ecosystem, I would remind you that 
a majority of CA's don't actually run our software, and many run their own 
proprietary solutions. The availability of EJBCA is likely due to the fact that 
the vast majority of our code is FOSS (and the rest if always available to 
customers), which is partly due to our wish to make PKI available to all, and 
partly because we encourage external inspection of our implementation. 

> 6. Should the CA and root program community be more active in ensuring 
>   compliance by critical CA infrastructure providers such as EJBCA and 
>   the companies providing global OCSP network hosting.

Absolutely, and I would say that many already are. We don't have any goal other 
than making EJBCA as compliant as possible, and have always aimed to lay a step 
ahead of existing standards. Since 2016 (as a part of maturing as a software 
vendor) we changed focus in how we handle requirements work by actively 
following various standards orgs (including CABF), instead of receiving 
requirements from our customers. 

dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: DarkMatter Concerns

2019-02-26 Thread Mike Kushner via dev-security-policy

Since EJBCA as a product was mentioned we thought we could chime in with some 
background and updates.

EJBCA was possible the first (certainly one of the first) CA products to use 
random serial numbers. From the very beginning, 64 bit random serial numbers, 
from a CSPRNG, were used. This was back in the days when the opinion was that 
sequential serial numbers had to be used. We had some work convincing some 
users that random was better than sequential. By default 8 bytes (64 bits) were 
used, as it's a nice power of 2 number. Back then longer serial numbers were 
frowned upon and there were product out there that could not even parse 16 byte 
serial numbers, so 8 bytes was a good choice that was compatible.
As years went by we introduced the possibility to use longer serial numbers, 
through a configuration setting at build time. This setting is no convenient to 
use (automatically persisted across upgrades etc) in our Appliance and cloud 
platforms, and we had on the roadmap to remedy this with a more use friendly 

A very strong goal of EJBCA, and PrimeKey, is to be standard compliant with 
both open standards and regulations, and thus we are not completely satisfied 
with debating 63 vs 64 bits.
We are planning to release a fix version with a convenient per CA setting, and 
default to larger serials, in short time. Any existing CA will be easily 
configured to use between 4 and 20 octets serial numbers for future issuance. 
Serial numbers must be compliant with RFC5280 and X.690, which is the test we 
do on the output from the CSPRNG, only using compliant ones.

In addition to random serial numbers, EJBCA checks for collisions, so even in 
the very unlikely event of equal serial numbers being generated, no 
certificates with duplicated serial numbers should be issued from a CA based on 
the EJBCA software. By comparison, collisions do happen regularly in testing 
when using 32 bit serial numbers (and are averted), so the underlying checks 
function as we expect. 

Looking back at the origin to when public CAs moved form sequential to random 
serial numbers we believe this originated from the weakness in SHA1, making a 
preimage attack at least theoretically possible against SHA1. EJBCA was very 
early on supporting SHA256 as well. To our knowledge there are no known 
preimage attacks against SHA256, correct us if we're wrong. In other words, we 
do not consider this a security issue, but (only) a compliance issue.

Tomas Gustafsson (CTO)
Mike Agrenius Kushner (PO EJBCA)
dev-security-policy mailing list