
I'm not sure if this is the correct place to ask (I'm not sure where
else I would ask). I'm so sorry if this message is unwanted.

Earlier this week, a certificate for a domain resolving to in
a Cisco application was revoked, because it was deemed to have been

Dropbox, GitHub, Spotify and Discord (among others) have done the same
thing for years: they embed SSL certificates and private keys into their
applications so that, for example, open.spotify.com can talk to a local
instance of Spotify (which must be served over https because
open.spotify.com is also delivered over https).

This has happened for years, and these applications have certificates
issued by DigiCert and Comodo all pointing to whose private
keys are trivially retrievable, since they're embedded in publicly
distributed binaries.

- GitHub: ghconduit.com
- Discord: discordapp.io
- Dropbox: www.dropboxlocalhost.com
- Spotify: *.spotilocal.com

Here is Spotify's, for example:


What I want to know is: how does this differ to Cisco's situation? Why
was Cisco's key revoked and considered compromised, but these have been
known about and deemed acceptable for years - what makes the situation

It's been an on-going question for me, since the use case (as a software
developer) is quite real: if you serve a site over HTTPS and it needs to
communicate with a local client application then you need this (or, you
need to manage your own CA, and ask every person to install a
certificate on all their devices)

Thank you so much,
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