[Writing in a personal capacity, these views do not represent those of my 

On Wednesday, March 6, 2019 at 7:51:21 AM UTC-8, Ryan Sleevi wrote:
> As it relates to TLS certificates, which is the purpose of discussion for
> this root inclusion, could you highlight or explain why "citizens,
> residents, and visitors" do not have access to TLS certificates, or how
> those protections offered by DarkMatter are somehow different?
> I highlight this, because given the inherently global nature of the
> Internet, there is no technical need to work with local CAs, and, with a
> well-run root store, all CAs provide an equivalent level of protection and
> security, which rests in the domain authorization. 

This has been raised several times, somewhat dismissively in this thread, so I 
felt like speaking out.

Setting aside the discussion about DarkMatter specifically, here are some ways 
in which having a CA in a new jurisdiction that isn't currently represented in 
the ecosystem can bring value:
* Allow users to transact business in their normal currency
* Allow users to transact business without international currency usage fees
* A "domestic" CA is far more likely to be able to do business in the local 
language compared to CAs that don't have any presence in a country where that 
language is spoken.
* Many, if not all, subscription agreements have a choice of venue clause in 
them. A "local" CA allows subscribers to ensure the contract is subject to 
their local laws rather than those of a foreign country
* There are many other factors easier to transact business domestically than 
internationally, even with things as benign as contacting the CA by phone or 

[Further discussion about choice in the marketplace elided to keep this mail 
more on point]

> This is, of course,
> comparable to the domain name system of gTLDs (rather than ccTLDs), which
> is inherently global in nature.

The reasons above might help to explain why 
https://www.icann.org/registrar-reports/accredited-list.html lists almost 2500 
domain registrars in 70 different countries. 

Again, I'm not taking any sort of position on DarkMatter's inclusion request. I 
just want to point out that while more CAs may add risk to the ecosystem, more 
choice for subscribers adds value as well, and the trade-off shouldn't be so 
easily dismissed.

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