On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 5:09 AM, Josh Matthews <j...@joshmatthews.net> wrote:

> https://github.com/mozilla/servo/wiki/Meeting-2014-02-03

>    - pcwalton: that's how gecko does it, but the FrameLayerBuilder is
>    really complicated. Roc is the only one who understands how that works, so
>    should probably not do that. But if we can save in allocations, we should
>    definitely do that. But we can probably use smallvec optimizations, etc.
> Not really true; Matt Woodrow understands it well, and and I think Timothy
Nikkel most of it too.

But I think it's very likely that for performance and simplicity you might
be better off going with a more static layer assignment like Webkit's, as I
think Patrick was suggesting.

Some of our design decisions were driven by a desire to ensure that if you
have elements A, B and C in that z-order, but B and C don't overlap, then
we can place A and C in the same layer if they're both static. This can
reduce layer buffer usage in some common situations (e.g. B is a <video>, A
is the page background and C is content after the <video>). Also, it lets C
get subpixel-antialising better and more easily since the A-C layer will
typically be opaque. If you give up on subpixel-AA (I think you should,
because high-DPI displays are the future), that's not relevant to you. And
it's unclear how much the memory usage matters.

As an aside, before I forget, a thing to think about is "active" vs
"inactive" layers. The idea is that some layer subtrees can be flattened to
a single buffer because although they use compositor effects (opacity,
transforms, etc) they're not really changing. Currently we do this in
FrameLayerBuilder and it adds a bunch of complexity there. You're probably
better off not doing that, tagging your inactive layer subtrees, and having
the compositor cache the composition of the composited subtree (and ideally
discard the backing storage of the individual layers in those subtrees).

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