On 10/06/2012 03:34 AM, tehhzstar wrote:

Currently, are there any code samples available that uses PK11_SetSymKeyUserData, PK11_GetSymKeyUserData? I am trying to store information relating to PK11SymKey:
- Start Date of when the keys were created
- End Date of when the keys will expire (this is set by users)
- Calculation of duration of keys' usage.

I tried to use these functions, but it causes my extension to crash without any notice.

Appreciate if someone can help me on this issue. Thank you.

Brian Teh, Singapore
The S/MIME code uses these functions in the 'static' mode.

Without having access to a stack traceback (or knowing how you are using the data), it's not clear where your problem lies. Some things to make sure of:

1) You only set data on keys you created.
2) You only get to set one user data value. This means you need to create a structure to hold all 3 things you are trying to set. 3) If you supply a free func, it really needs to be able to free our user data structure. 4) You should be able to deal with a NULL userData when you call PK11_GetSymKeyUserData. 5) UserData is not persistent. It is only stored with the instance of the key you create. If you are dealing with a token key and need to store persistent data, then you need to use PKCS 11 attributes and PK11_WriteRawAttribute() and PK11_ReadRawAttribute().. (note this may not work with old dbm database keys).


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