
I am new to NSS.  The goal is to use NSS in FIPS mode and to provide the OS 
(Linux) some kind of notification when a FIPS error happens.  I presume that 
FIPS POST tests are run when NSS is put into FIPS mode using modutils.  I also 
assume that 'continuous, pair-wise tests as well as DRBG tests are done when 
running.  Are these assumptions true ? 

Where would a good location be to add code in order to notify the OS of any 
FIPS error ?  That would at least be logging the error using the system's 
logger and woudl also include some basic notification such as creating a file 
somewhere under inotify observation by a daemon application.  Is any provision 
for notifyinh the OS already included ?

Where can I find the latest Security Policy and, is there a User Guide for NSS 
in FIPS mode ?  I browsed the web pages although seemingly I could not find 
links to these documents.

Many thanks, regards.

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