How useful would it be for the compilation process to produce a binary as well as a symbols file for everyone?

My usecase would be to be able to archive just the binary and symbols in a cache folder so I don't need to compile it again when testing testcases.

Currently if I just keep the binary, I don't get symbols, but if I keep the entire objdir (on Mac), it seems to be pretty big (650MB).

A middle ground would be to just keep the libjs_static.a file, that's 150MB - keeping ICU and NSPR .a files would push that up to 250MB (or not keep them if we don't care about ICU/NSPR symbols, but we probably should). And these sizes are per-changeset.

Moreover, the original path to libjs_static.a has to be kept, i.e. no renaming/moving of the .a file, otherwise the symbols cannot be found.

(These observations were made on a Mac, which does not have gdb, objcopy, objdump, but instead has lldb)



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