I wrote some example code:

REM  *****  BASIC  *****

Option Compatible
Option Explicit

Type MyType
        a As Integer
        b As Integer
End Type
Dim x(1) As MyType

Sub Main
        Dim y As MyType
        Dim i As Integer
        For i=0 To 1
        Next i

        MsgBox x(0).a & x(0).b & x(1).a & x(1).b & y.a & y.b ' Displays 123456
        ReDim x(1) As MyType
        ReDim y As MyType
        MsgBox x(0).a & x(0).b & x(1).a & x(1).b & y.a & y.b ' Displays 123400
End Sub

So if we have an array as MyType (or any other custom type, I
suppose), ReDim will not reset it.
Is this the expected behaviour or should I write a bug report?
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