Hallo Adrien,

Are you saying that due to relinking a text section your form (who contains this text section ) loses the conection between the "Form" and the "database" where the form controls get their data from ?

Greetz Fernand

Adrien Schiehle wrote:

I've got a problem with a form I created with OoBase version 3.
Programming language : Basic.

I've created a form wich contains dynamic sections : Sections that can target different files (and different sections in these files) in function of the current entries. (type and subtype of an equipement) Those sections contain data store in database. The same filter is used outside and inside the sections in order to see what must be shown.

My problem is as follow :
When I load the form, the sections are correctly loaded and contains the right datas. But then, when I change the entry option, the sections change but the link to the database seems to be destroy. I don't understand how we can refresh the link without coming back to the previous state of the sections

I've tried things like :
  - oForm.reload()
  - oSection.SetPropertyValue("isAutomaticUpdate", True)

But those functions have the side effect that my sections are coming back to the previous states.

If someone can help me... you will find bellow the two subs I use to change the sections

Thanks in advance,


Here are the two simple Sub I use to change sections.
############################################################################################## rem~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
'LinkSection : Link a subsection of the targetted file to the section
rem~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sub LinkSection(oDoc As Object, aSectionName As String, aLinkRegion As String)
   Dim oSection As Object
     oSection = oDoc.GetTextSections.GetByName(aSectionName)
     If oSection.GetPropertyValue("LinkRegion") <> aLinkRegion Then
         oSection.SetPropertyValue("LinkRegion", aLinkRegion)
     End If
    End Sub

############################################################################################## rem~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
'LinkSectionFile : Link a file to the section
rem~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sub LinkSectionFile(oDoc As Object, aSectionName As String, aFileLink As String)
   Dim oSection As Object
   Dim vFileLink As New com.sun.star.text.SectionFileLink
     oSection = oDoc.GetTextSections.GetByName(aSectionName)
  '    If oSection.GetPropertyValue("FileLink") <> aFileLink Then
         vFileLink.FileURL = aFileLink
       vFileLink.FilterName = "writer8"
             oSection.SetPropertyValue("FileLink", vFileLink)
' End If End Sub


Those subs are called when the entry options change. Depending of the change I call only 'LinkSection' or the two subs.

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