Morning All,

I waited some extra days due to the US holiday last Thursday for
discussion on this topic.

To recap, Jean-frederic has offered to lead an Apache delegation for our
booth.  He will create a wiki like we did for fossdem2020.  Ignasi
Barrera has also offered to help with the stand & Jean-Baptiste has also
said he will try and be there.

So at this time I think we can say, Apache will be there.  Any
objections before I email a foundations list stating that and trying to
get some other OSS organizations to take advantage of Jonathan's offer
for a free table?



On 11/26/2019 8:52 PM, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:
> Planners & Comdev,
> Jonathan emailed me about jbcnconf 2020.  They have just opened the call
> for papers tomorrow, and this year they want to offer a free shared
> stand to OSS foundations.
> The event is: 6-7-8 July 2020
> Jean-Frederic, is willing to lead an Apache delegation and help man the
> booth.  He needs an ASF Roll-up and some stickers at a minimum.
> If we agree this is good, I'd like to post it on the foundations list as
> well to see if other OSS places want to do it as well!
> Regards,
Kevin A. McGrail

Member, Apache Software Foundation
Chair Emeritus Apache SpamAssassin Project - 703.798.0171

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