FYI. If you are interested in this event.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Matteo Merli <>
Date: Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 11:53 PM
Subject: BookKeeper Meetup on Nov 15th
To: Bookkeeper-Dev <>

Hi all,

we're in the process to organize a BookKeeper meetup for the next Tue.
November 15th.

The event will be held in the Yahoo offices in Sunnyvale.

We would like to see if there is anyone, other than the usual suspects,
interested in talking about any BookKeeper related topic (eg: use cases,
new features, comparison with similar systems, ...). Please reply either
here in the mailing list or in private with your suggestions, anything is

I'll be sending out a more precise program for the meetup event in the
coming days.


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