On 10/14/16, 12:42 AM, "Christofer Dutz" <christofer.d...@c-ware.de> wrote:

>So if we are comparing the new three-step user workflow:
>1. Do changes
>2. Test them locally with a "mvn clean site"
>3. Commit changes
>to the current user workflow, which is:
>1. Do changes
>2. Commit changes
>3. Wait for buildbot to stage the changes
>4. Check if the output is what we want in the staging area
>5. Go to the Web-Ui and release all changes at once (Could be a problem
>that you release stuff someone else is currently working on, but I guess
>that's a more theoretical problem)

I wouldn't mind getting rid of that step 5 in the current workflow, so if
there are enough volunteers to re-create our site in Git that's fine with
Interestingly, I just saw on another list that a supposed advantage of the
current workflow is that non-committers can use ASF CMS and its web UI to
make changes.  Collecting doc changes from non-committers might be a good
thing.  Our wiki has a separate account system that allows us to do that
as well.  But would anyone in the community want to leverage that?  Maybe
using the Web UI is old-school and submitting pull requests is sufficient.

So, in sum, no objections from me but I doubt I'll be much help on
finishing the port.  I am, however, curious as to how this will impact
Nick.  I think he was in-progress on a web-site revamp.


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