On 05/08/2017 11:00 AM, Jim Riggs wrote:
So, who all will be in Miami? From what I've seen on Sched and
messages here:

Yes : jimjag, rich, jfc, ruggeri, me
No  : rowe, covener

I won't be able to make it again this year, unfortunately. I'm holding out hope for ACEU.

Also, contrary to the seeming consensus on the hackathon thread a
couple weeks ago (that I missed), I have had a lot of luck pounding
things out during random hacking sessions or down times at the
conference, most notably that mod_cache-thundering-herd-lock-file
issue that a group of us really hammered on a couple years back. (It
was absolutely killing me at work!) That said, I'm always up for
hacking on stuff with people, especially when it's something nagging
like that.

I love hackathons, and I'd be happy to join in remotely if anyone is interested/motivated!


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