With permission of Mark I forward the below.
If you want to discuss with him about the tests please do so at 
https://github.com/http-tests/cache-tests/issues as
these tests are not focused on Apache HTTP Server but are suited for other 
projects / implementations as well and it
would be a little hard for Mark to follow all the lists for all the different 
implementations / projects.
As I understood from him, his interest in the tests is not only to find out if 
an implementation is spec compliant, but
also whether the tests are complete and accurate and whether proposals for 
possible changes to the spec can be derived
from the results that could be discussed with the httpwg 
(https://github.com/httpwg/http-core) in the current discussion
around updates to the spec.



-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: FYI: HTTP caching tests
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2018 19:00:55 +1100
From: Mark Nottingham <m...@mnot.net>
To: minf...@apache.org, rpl...@apache.org


I've been working on a test suite for HTTP caching, to guide the revision of 
RFC7234. There's still lots to do, but the
results so far might be interesting:

If you know anyone in particular in the Apache community who'd be interested in 
this, please forward; I'd love to hear
feedback / get some help. And please do note the caveats at the top of the page 


Mark Nottingham   https://www.mnot.net/

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