Re: often mod_proxy cache revalidates

2021-06-22 Thread pgajdos
On Mon, Jun 21, 2021 at 03:06:38PM +0200, pgajdos wrote:
> 8<
> mkdir -p /tmp/apache-rex/mod_proxy-cache/htdocs-backend
> echo 'Backend for reverse' > 
> /tmp/apache-rex/mod_proxy-cache/htdocs-backend/index.html
> sleep 1
> echo "[2] forward proxy with cache"
> for i in $(seq 1 10); do
>   curl -s -v --proxy http://localhost:60083/ http://localhost:60081/ 2>&1 | 
> grep 'X-Cache'
>   sleep 0.1
> done
> >8
> gives:
> $ sh
> [2] forward proxy with cache
> < X-Cache: MISS from test
> < X-Cache: REVALIDATE from test
> < X-Cache: REVALIDATE from test
> < X-Cache: REVALIDATE from test
> < X-Cache: REVALIDATE from test
> < X-Cache: REVALIDATE from test
> < X-Cache: REVALIDATE from test
> < X-Cache: REVALIDATE from test
> < X-Cache: REVALIDATE from test
> < X-Cache: REVALIDATE from test
> $
> Altering (or touching) the the index file is essential, as well as the
> sleep afterwards.

In other words, when I remove the sleep, I get, without restaring

[2] forward proxy with cache
< X-Cache: MISS from test
< X-Cache: HIT from test
< X-Cache: HIT from test
< X-Cache: HIT from test
< X-Cache: HIT from test
< X-Cache: HIT from test
< X-Cache: HIT from test
< X-Cache: HIT from test
< X-Cache: HIT from test
< X-Cache: HIT from test

When I add the sleep now and do not restart httpd, I get the same
output, 9xHIT. I need to restart httpd first to get 9xREVALIDATE


Have a lot of fun!

Re: often mod_proxy cache revalidates

2021-06-21 Thread pgajdos

how to more easily reproduce: with following configuration file,
located e. g. in /tmp/apache-rex/mod_proxy-cache/httpd.conf:

On Wed, Jun 16, 2021 at 01:01:59PM +0200, pgajdos wrote:
> --8<
> ServerName test
> User abuild
> Group abuild
> Listen 60080
> PidFile /tmp/apache-rex/mod_proxy-cache/pid
> ErrorLog /tmp/apache-rex/mod_proxy-cache/error_log
> LoadModule auth_basic_module /usr/lib64/apache2-prefork/
> LoadModule dir_module /usr/lib64/apache2-prefork/
> LoadModule authz_host_module /usr/lib64/apache2-prefork/
> LoadModule proxy_module /usr/lib64/apache2-prefork/
> LoadModule proxy_http_module /usr/lib64/apache2-prefork/
> LoadModule cache_module /usr/lib64/apache2-prefork/
> LoadModule log_config_module /usr/lib64/apache2-prefork/
> LoadModule authz_core_module /usr/lib64/apache2-prefork/
> LoadModule cache_socache_module 
> /usr/lib64/apache2-prefork/
> LoadModule socache_shmcb_module 
> /usr/lib64/apache2-prefork/
> DocumentRoot /tmp/apache-rex/mod_proxy-cache/htdocs
> DirectoryIndex index.html
> ### example configuration
> LogFormat "%s %{cache-status}e" cache_format
> Listen 60081
>   ErrorLog "/tmp/apache-rex/mod_proxy-cache/error_log-backend"
>   DocumentRoot "/tmp/apache-rex/mod_proxy-cache/htdocs-backend"
> Require local
> Listen 60082
>   ErrorLog "/tmp/apache-rex/mod_proxy-cache/error_log-reverse-proxy"
> ProxyPass "http://localhost:60081/";
>   CacheSocache shmcb
>   CacheSocacheMaxSize 102400
>   CacheEnable socache "/"
>   CacheHeader on
>   CustomLog "/tmp/apache-rex/mod_proxy-cache/reverse-proxy-uncached.log" 
> cache_format env=cache-miss
>   CustomLog "/tmp/apache-rex/mod_proxy-cache/reverse-proxy-cached.log" 
> cache_format env=cache-hit
>   CustomLog "/tmp/apache-rex/mod_proxy-cache/reverse-proxy-revalidated.log" 
> cache_format env=cache-revalidate
> Listen 60083
>   ErrorLog "/tmp/apache-rex/mod_proxy-cache/error_log-forward-proxy"
>   ProxyRequests On
> Require local
>   CacheSocache shmcb
>   CacheSocacheMaxSize 102400
>   #
>   CacheEnable socache http://localhost:60081/
>   CacheHeader on
>   CustomLog "/tmp/apache-rex/mod_proxy-cache/forward-proxy-uncached.log" 
> cache_format env=cache-miss
>   CustomLog "/tmp/apache-rex/mod_proxy-cache/forward-proxy-cached.log" 
> cache_format env=cache-hit
>   CustomLog "/tmp/apache-rex/mod_proxy-cache/forward-proxy-revalidated.log" 
> cache_format env=cache-revalidate
> -->8

following script:

mkdir -p /tmp/apache-rex/mod_proxy-cache/htdocs-backend
echo 'Backend for reverse' > 

sleep 1

echo "[2] forward proxy with cache"
for i in $(seq 1 10); do
  curl -s -v --proxy http://localhost:60083/ http://localhost:60081/ 2>&1 | 
grep 'X-Cache'
  sleep 0.1


$ sh
[2] forward proxy with cache
< X-Cache: MISS from test
< X-Cache: REVALIDATE from test
< X-Cache: REVALIDATE from test
< X-Cache: REVALIDATE from test
< X-Cache: REVALIDATE from test
< X-Cache: REVALIDATE from test
< X-Cache: REVALIDATE from test
< X-Cache: REVALIDATE from test
< X-Cache: REVALIDATE from test
< X-Cache: REVALIDATE from test

Altering (or touching) the the index file is essential, as well as the
sleep afterwards.


Have a lot of fun!

often mod_proxy cache revalidates

2021-06-16 Thread pgajdos

from 2.4.48 on, mod_proxy-cache example [1] begins to fail for me.
Unfortunately I can not manage to expose this issue outside
apache-rex framework sofar. With 2.4.46, I can not see this at all.

$ git clone
$ cd apache-rex
$ ./run-rex mod_proxy-cache
[1] reverse proxy with cache
< X-Cache: MISS from test
< X-Cache: HIT from test
< X-Cache: HIT from test
< X-Cache: HIT from test
< X-Cache: HIT from test
< X-Cache: HIT from test
< X-Cache: HIT from test
< X-Cache: HIT from test
< X-Cache: HIT from test
< X-Cache: HIT from test
1 misses, 0 revalidates and 9 hits
[2] forward proxy with cache
< X-Cache: MISS from test
< X-Cache: REVALIDATE from test
< X-Cache: REVALIDATE from test
< X-Cache: REVALIDATE from test
< X-Cache: REVALIDATE from test
< X-Cache: REVALIDATE from test
< X-Cache: REVALIDATE from test
< X-Cache: REVALIDATE from test
< X-Cache: REVALIDATE from test
< X-Cache: REVALIDATE from test
1 misses, 9 revalidates and 0 hits

Example FAILED (subexample #2):

Former behavior for 2.4.46:

[1] reverse proxy with cache
< X-Cache: MISS from test
< X-Cache: HIT from test
< X-Cache: HIT from test
< X-Cache: HIT from test
< X-Cache: HIT from test
< X-Cache: HIT from test
< X-Cache: HIT from test
< X-Cache: HIT from test
< X-Cache: HIT from test
< X-Cache: HIT from test
1 misses, 0 revalidates and 9 hits
[2] forward proxy with cache
< X-Cache: MISS from test
< X-Cache: REVALIDATE from test
< X-Cache: HIT from test
< X-Cache: HIT from test
< X-Cache: HIT from test
< X-Cache: HIT from test
< X-Cache: HIT from test
< X-Cache: HIT from test
< X-Cache: HIT from test
< X-Cache: HIT from test
1 misses, 1 revalidates and 8 hits

Roughly: the example config (/tmp/apache-rex/mod_proxy-cache/httpd.conf) looks 

ServerName test
User abuild
Group abuild
Listen 60080
PidFile /tmp/apache-rex/mod_proxy-cache/pid
ErrorLog /tmp/apache-rex/mod_proxy-cache/error_log
LoadModule auth_basic_module /usr/lib64/apache2-prefork/
LoadModule dir_module /usr/lib64/apache2-prefork/
LoadModule authz_host_module /usr/lib64/apache2-prefork/
LoadModule proxy_module /usr/lib64/apache2-prefork/
LoadModule proxy_http_module /usr/lib64/apache2-prefork/
LoadModule cache_module /usr/lib64/apache2-prefork/
LoadModule log_config_module /usr/lib64/apache2-prefork/
LoadModule authz_core_module /usr/lib64/apache2-prefork/
LoadModule cache_socache_module /usr/lib64/apache2-prefork/
LoadModule socache_shmcb_module /usr/lib64/apache2-prefork/
DocumentRoot /tmp/apache-rex/mod_proxy-cache/htdocs
DirectoryIndex index.html

### example configuration

LogFormat "%s %{cache-status}e" cache_format

Listen 60081

  ErrorLog "/tmp/apache-rex/mod_proxy-cache/error_log-backend"
  DocumentRoot "/tmp/apache-rex/mod_proxy-cache/htdocs-backend"
Require local

Listen 60082

  ErrorLog "/tmp/apache-rex/mod_proxy-cache/error_log-reverse-proxy"

ProxyPass "http://localhost:60081/";

  CacheSocache shmcb
  CacheSocacheMaxSize 102400
  CacheEnable socache "/"

  CacheHeader on

  CustomLog "/tmp/apache-rex/mod_proxy-cache/reverse-proxy-uncached.log" 
cache_format env=cache-miss
  CustomLog "/tmp/apache-rex/mod_proxy-cache/reverse-proxy-cached.log" 
cache_format env=cache-hit
  CustomLog "/tmp/apache-rex/mod_proxy-cache/reverse-proxy-revalidated.log" 
cache_format env=cache-revalidate

Listen 60083

  ErrorLog "/tmp/apache-rex/mod_proxy-cache/error_log-forward-proxy"

  ProxyRequests On
Require local

  CacheSocache shmcb
  CacheSocacheMaxSize 102400
  CacheEnable socache http://localhost:60081/

  CacheHeader on

  CustomLog "/tmp/apache-rex/mod_proxy-cache/forward-proxy-uncached.log" 
cache_format env=cache-miss
  CustomLog "/tmp/apache-rex/mod_proxy-cache/forward-proxy-cached.log" 
cache_format env=cache-hit
  CustomLog "/tmp/apache-rex/mod_proxy-cache/forward-proxy-revalidated.log" 
cache_format env=cache-revalidate


And the script runs 10 requests on the server:

for i in $(seq 1 10); do
  curl -s -v --proxy http://localhost:60083/ http://localhost:60081/ 2>&1 | 
grep 'X-Cache'
  sleep 0.1

And again, I cannot reproduce for example with httpd run with
fx. -f /tmp/apache-rex/mod_proxy-cache/httpd.conf and running requests
manually. I will try harder, I just want to know first whether this is
something known or whether I have something completely wrong in the

Thanks for your attention,


Have a lot of fun!