On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 12:12:24PM -0600, Peter Harpending wrote:
> Hi, all,
> I'm wondering what peopl had in mind regarding a solution to US-155
> <https://tree.taiga.io/project/snowdrift/us/155?kanban-status=729903>. 
> > Looking at code diffs, Alice uses a simple tool to fetch the SHA of the live
> > production site
> I assume this is the sha1 hash of the git commit (i.e. git rev-list HEAD -1),
> not a hash of the source tarball or something like that. I wrote a little 
> script
> that will fetch this for the site that is currently on 
> <https://snowdrift.coop>
> (see <https://git.snowdrift.coop/sd/snowdrift/merge_requests/8>). As it 
> stands,
> there is no equivalent of /dev/build in the master branch.
> So, I'm wondering what y'all want to do so that we can have a tool for the new
> site. I threw together a merge request
> <https://git.snowdrift.coop/sd/snowdrift/merge_requests/7>, which includes a
> /git route. /git shows the git commit for the running site using yesod-gitrev.
> These's a screenshot of the result in that merge request. It's ugly, but it
> would work.

Just to answer this email for the benefit of the list:

Yes, I want an equivalent of /dev/build, and it will also be nice to
have a tool that extracts the git version out of the replacement page
when it exists.

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