(Not answering your question about logkit at the moment.)

You should not use slf4j-jdk14 together with log4j, use log4j-slf4j-impl instead.

Also, make sure that you use Log4j 2.x, and don't include the Log4j 1.x jar. If you have anything which depends on Log4j 1.x, you can use log4j-1.2-api. (Log4j 1.x uses the package name org.apache.log4j, Log4j 2.x uses org.apache.logging.log4j)

See here for details on where to find the dependencies: https://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/maven-artifacts.html

On 2017-05-19 10:32, Rohan Shedge wrote:

Hi Team,

I want to know the relation between log4j and logkit jars.

Currently our project contains following jars: 

I do not find logkit reference in our project.(i searched the package name 
"org.apache.log" in whole work space but did not find any) but there are 
references of log4j jars(org.apache.log4j).

If i remove logkit jar from the project will there be any impact. I am looking 
for any hidden dependency which i missed.


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