[GitHub] metron issue #958: METRON-1483: Create a tool to monitor performance of the ...

2018-03-16 Thread justinleet
Github user justinleet commented on the issue:

I'm all set, +1. Thanks for this, it's great stuff.


[GitHub] metron issue #958: METRON-1483: Create a tool to monitor performance of the ...

2018-03-14 Thread cestella
Github user cestella commented on the issue:

Moving this conversation to the top.  I believe I have refactored the 
KafkaProducers appropriately.  Let me know if I missed something, @justinleet 


[GitHub] metron issue #958: METRON-1483: Create a tool to monitor performance of the ...

2018-03-13 Thread cestella
Github user cestella commented on the issue:

@justinleet thanks for the review.  I reacted to your comments either by 
fixing them or suggesting why I prefer what is there.  I will add a new set of 
tests in the next commit.


[GitHub] metron issue #958: METRON-1483: Create a tool to monitor performance of the ...

2018-03-08 Thread cestella
Github user cestella commented on the issue:

# Testing Plan:
We presume
* `ZOOKEEPER` is an environment variable set to the zk quorum (e.g. 
* `BROKER` is an environment variable set to the broker (e.g. `node1:6667`)

## Unbiased Generation

In order to test this, we will:
1. create a new topic
# Create dummy_12_unbiased with 12 partitions
/usr/hdp/current/kafka-broker/bin/kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper $ZOOKEEPER 
--create --topic dummy_12_unbiased --partitions 12 --replication-factor 1
2. Create some dummy data to send into kafka
# Generate some templates of dummy data that look like CSV in 
# With a number, a string, a GUID and the timestamp
for i in $(seq 1 100);do echo "$i,foo,\$METRON_GUID,\$METRON_TS";done > 
3. Write into that topic from a set of templates at a specified rate
# Write out 1000 messages per second to dummy_12_unbiased
# Monitor dummy_12_unbiased
# Each message is drawn from the set of templates in step 2.
# Stop after 60 seconds and report how much you've written
$METRON_HOME/bin/load_tool.sh -p 5 -ot dummy_12_unbiased -mt 
dummy_12_unbiased -t ~/dummy.template -eps 1000 -z $ZOOKEEPER -tl 6
  * It should indicate that it generated something like 60k messages
4. Measure if the messages generated roughly match the requested rate.
# You will have to ctrl-c this in a few seconds
--bootstrap-server node1:6667 --topic dummy_12_topic --from-beginning | wc -l
  * It should output something like `Processed a total of 60400 messages`, 
which would be about 1000 messages per second.
