The metron-docker project isn’t really intended for a proper deployment. It’s 
basically a dev tool for working on the front end pieces and quick 
experimentation to be honest, the versions aren’t always updated that 

Specifically on the elastic and kibana versions, those are a little behind on 
the project in general but there are some discussions about updating them. If 
you’re interesting in contributing around some of the updates I’m sure it would 
be much appreciated in the community.

For a ‘proper' platform by the way, I would strongly recommend not using the 
docker versions at all, but sticking to the ambari based deployment method, 
which far more tested at scale. 

Hope that helps, and great to hear you’re using Metron,

> On 13 Jul 2017, at 15:29, Antonio Pérez Bautista <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am working with metron-docker and i see that versions of ElasticSearch and 
> Kibana are old versions.
> Is there any reason for this? Do you think there could be a problem if I 
> upgrade to newer versions both components?
> Thanks!
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